AZNGM's forum posts
And I havent needed a hand held but now I feel like I would like to frag some dudes on my way to school.
UMD Movies HAHAHA forget that Im not buying my movie library on UMD
But yeah it seems to be PWNING the DS no doubt about that but, Is it worth my money?
I have read too many different fourms compairing the new consoles and I am confused and tired and bored.
Take the Wii out of this because the dirt cheap price and unique gaming ability makes it a "eventually buy" console.
What Im talking about is between the PS3 and the Xbox 360, dont start going on with this techy buisness I know the specs I dont need technical comparisons and actually I cant bother to compare. All I am looking for is a significant difference between the consoles. When i say siginificant I mean the biggest difference you can give me from the two.
This is what I know so far.
The games: most of them are gonna be released on both I know Xbox 360 games there seems to be alot more than the PS3 simply because it got released earlyer but I dont care really about the range I dont need tons of games I only need a few good ones.
The internet: sure ps2 is free but xbox live seems to kick ass when I'm playing it.
The price: ok Xbox is cheaper, the game price well the PS3 games are a bit expensive only because it just got released.
The controllers: 7 controllers on the ps3? wtf mate? wouldnt that make some games a bit too cluttered? 4 is fine for everyone I think, the wireless bluetooth?... to me wireless is wireless and trust me I've played both at friends houses and they feel the same.
The graphics: they both look the same to me.
Please if you can help sparing the extra mumbo jumbo I would appreiciate it.
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