@bdrtfm:How about now, still POE infomercial ? 13 days after Diablo 4's out. I'm level 70 and from 50 everything is the same, everything is ..... booring, dull, and washed up. Season 28 from Diablo 3 was a 10 compared to Diablo 4.
I haven't dived into PoE because of knowing Diablo 4 is under developement, so I aways tought it will be ... as usual, the best. But Diablo 4's release state is just as Diablo 3, dull, no purpuse to play. WoW-like systems that make you play endgame content WHEN blizzard wants, not when you can and want.
Low mob density, aggro losing if you mount, mob reseting if you kite him to much. Hell even the mob kites you and if he goes too far from his spawn point, he will reset just like in WoW.
This is a disaster. As a AAAA game company, you are not allowed to realease a game in this state, acting like you have not learned anything from your own past (diablo 3 launch with lack of content, that was fixed after 2-3 years after release).
This should have been a masterpiece, but insted feels like a "crowfunding" indie game that is just "a solid fundation to build on". I don't want that, I want a better then Season 28 Diablo 3 game, that has Diablo 3's possibilities and more.
World boss with timers like wow. Helltide with timers like wow. The Butcher spawns inside a dungeon, if you don't kill it in time, it despawns ... Mount stops at invisible corner cutting roads. 120 dungeons that are actually maximum 10 dungeons with 5 bosses that all have a set of 3 mechanics. High Quantity = Low Quality.
FUN mode turned OFF, forced off by blizzard.
Blizzard is just a name and nothing more of what it was in the past. They function based on KPIs and MaU, profit #1 priority, soulless games #2 priority.
@timthegem: The differences: 1. Blizzard is learning from every MMO out there and add those features. 2. City of Heroes is not available anymore, while WoW still is.
WoW and Final Fantasy have equal population, even with the drop of players, WoW's pop. it's equal to all other MMO's summed up subscribers. And while not being a f2p game, that says something.
WoW's decline doesn't come from WoW deteriorating, but from people not likeing the MMORPG genre anymore. People don't have the time and patience/will to spend 300-400days in a game, and are reorieting to games that offer doses of game in short bursts of time. Ex: WoT, WoS, WoP, OW, Dota2, LoL, HS, CSGO and so on. Simple games that requires you to play 30-60mins per match, and after that you get the feeling you have finished and don't stay with you mind on other things you need to complete in that game.
@Saxondale: Sorry to say, but I dont agree that GW2, ESO, BD, Tera were MMORPG. With their subscriber/player numbers, they were singleplayers with campaigns. I played 5 minutes of ESO and I realised that the way the caracter moves, jumps, it doesnt allow me to play a WoW-like arena 2v2 etc.
I played GW1 before WoW, I know how limited the gameplay in GW2 is. It looks great, but again the mechanics and the freedom to do stuff combined is lacking there aswell.
@kalgert: Well, only Vanilla WoW had problems with zones being outleveled, since there were to many zones for the same level range. After Vanilla, all other xpacs had perfect balance for zones vs levels (that at least in the first 2-5 months of the xpac, since after those months the leveling system would get buffed for alts). They are doing scalling zones in Legion to test the system, and to check if the expansion lauch date will have so many difficulties since not all players will be in the same spot this time.
@Devil_wings00: The ppl that are yelling there's no content, are casual, after '90 people. There are achievements to do, there are pets to get, there were 11 classes to play. For me, a PvP player, I had no troubles living the entire WoD period, getting all my 15x100 characters fully geared with PvP sets :) The good part in Legion, for PvPers, is that the prestige system will make you focus on your main class.
@DAOWAce: Usually games like this take 2nd place when something better appears. If you dont get a game with ALL wow mechanics + tools + features + NEW/better mechanics/features, then WoW will remain 1st place for ever for this MMORPG genre.
The only type of game that will replace this is what I said earlier OR a VR equivalent, since VR = way more immersion. But for the VR part there will be a long time until it will become CHEAP for everyone to afford and NO_MOTION_SICKNESS so you can play for 5-10 hours without trowing up.
@Saxondale: Some people like that semi-cartoonish look. Also that look permits the game to be played on a large scale of pc specs, and it also permits the game to have all those beautiful ingame mechanics (flying anywhere, jumping and doing somthing while in air, and so on). It is that freedom fo mechanics that made this game so popular.
Look at serious graphic games like Dragon Age or Witcher, yes it looks more realistic, but it limits you on the way the caracter moves, it limits the developer on the mechanics it can add to the game.
@badgerboy1977: Watch the interviews, when SM was asked about multiplayer, he said "It's not an mmo, it's not a deadmatch space shooter, if you are looking for that kind of action, there are plenty like that allready out". He could just simply said IT IS NOT A MULTIPLAYER GAME. Simple as that. Look at metacritic, 4.9, all people saying the game is booring and that the dev raised the hype.
@perrub: In other games the scripted AI made for a companion, a lover, a sidekick fools you into thinking it might be real. Think about Portal and the companion cube :)
And again think about the VR, you know all is shit, scripted, fake, but when you use the helmet ... man you can shit your pants cause of fear of hights or ghosts or whatever :)
@chrishughes571: The thing is if we don't have a purpuse, we create one ;) Usually, ending a game for most, or do extra stuff for some ppl and do the collectionist for only a few ppl. If you strip that from a game, there's just a backbone without a brain :/
A_C_M85's comments