@jeerassik: "You will probably never see" doesn't mean "You will never see". A probability it's a probability and it would have made a purpuse for some of us. Just letting us hope, and then stating yesterday that "you won't see any player in game" made it worse. The opening could have been much better then this and at least only the interesed guys would be still checking the news about the game.
It's the dev's (Sean Murray) fault for this hype being created and for all this let down we are experiencing. If the dev would have said back in march or may interview that the game is an ONLINE SINGLE PLAYER, then everyone would have made a clear ideea on what the game was. But he just evaded the question by saying is not a mmo and not a deathmach multyplayer, so as a normal logical interpretation people had expectations for the game to have some kind of multiplayer to it (not just a common database where ppl named their planets, fauna and creatures).
On steam the game was found under the MMO results query (https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/4forqa/isnt_this_a_bit_misleading_steam_shows_no_mans/)
Anyways, I think this game would be great to be played in VR, else it will be just a repetitive "exploration+mining" booring game.
@Cloud_imperium @A_C_M85 @DeanoFantasy @Assimilat0r Well my problem is that whenever I see settings .... I PUMP them UP to ULTRA .... so for me the console its the problem solver since everything its working out of the box without any tweaks and without thinking that "MAN if I would have a better GPU I could see far away then I actually do". At the moment I got BF3 for PC and for Xbox, but I prefer to play it on PC since there's a huge difference in graphics. But after PS4 appears, I plan to let the PC config get as OLD as it can = no more upgrades :)
True, try to play dota2 or world of warcraft on the consoles and we will talk after :) Dont get me wrong, I'm a PC + Console player, and from my opinion to enjoy the full experience you need to get PC + PS4 + XBOX (if you droll for any xbox exclusives). But if there's a money problem ... then I suggest PS4 .. since PCs needs upgrades every 2 years to play at full settings.
OH .. and Assimilat0r ... dude the PC's graphic card costs as much as the whole PS4 :)
@WonderfulTonite @fanboyxbox AFAIK and seen, playstation allwayes looked crapier then xbox. Last time I got a confirmation about that, it was when I've seen the Crisys 3 GS review.
PC > XBOX 360 > PS3 again this is MY OWN opinion from all the demos and movies I've seen.
A_C_M85's comments