Aaron-1992's forum posts
Isn't the beginning of that movie black and white until the intro?donwoogieI know but i mean the whole movie, as well as the menu when I push triangle. Good guess though. I really hope it isnt busted. It's on an SDTV as well, but that didnt cause any problems the first time I watched it.
Unfortunatly those are region locked, only PS3 games are region free.hamorhageWell thanks anyway. No way to overide or something?
I know PS3 games aren't region locked, but what about ps1 and PS2 games? This is very important to me so please answer. Thank you to all who give a response.:)Aaron-1992It is a UK PS3 by the way, and I want to play a Japanese MGS2 as I wait for Eng version to work.:)
I really don't like this idea of coming out saying a game is for one console, then later putting another console in the mix. I remember when Capcom said that Resident Evil 4 was exclusive, before later porting it to PS2, then PC.
I have lost a lot of respect for Capcom, I don't mind Resident Evil 5 since they said PS3 and 360 at the same time, but they shouldnt have these sudden changes of heart.
I want to become a game developer and I wouldn't like to port my games should I make them. With all the technology in Gaming today, you'd expect people to use the strengths of one console to the max. Thats what makes good games. Anyway rant over. What do you think.
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