Abfranestra's forum posts
i hope everybody checks this post out, AND the links that are on it, it really shows what Haze has comingSo much hate for this amazing looking game from the legends of FPS, what make me more mad, there is no legitimate reason for the doubt/hate of this game, all of it's features are wonderful and some of them are new.
I just want PS3 owners realize and know what is good and what is bad, HAZE is one of the great games that deserves to be hyped, it will at least surpasses Halo 3 in quality and gameplay features, so don't HATE HAZE.
I did a topic earlier this month and the same comments about it were most from 360 fanboys and some from PS3 owners, and both didn't provide any reason.
This is my thread
2008 is here and just like what Sony PR said so "this generation starts when we say so", it is starting this year, they predicted everything well, they even said "the PS3 will sell 5M units without games", it sold more, it has games, but not their big hitters.
The wait is over ladies and gentlemen, the show is gonna start with Haze, it is a FPS game and it is probably going to be released 15th of this month.
Mantel Global Industries was founded by David Bloomfield. Mantel Global Industries is also a multinational corporation with bio-medical expertise. This has led to the development of Nova-Keto-Thyrazine - also called Nectar. A nutritional supplement that enables soldiers to fight harder and smarter. This is shown to us through the second trailer when Shane says that "Nectar made him one of the world's most elite soldiers". However, as you progress through the game, you find out that there is more to Mantel and the "nectar" than meets the eye. In one trailer the body of a dead civilian disappears as the Nectar is administered. This is a mind bending effect of Nectar when administered. In a developer interview, there is also a sequence in which the character's suit apparently malfunctions and causes the helmet to open up, revealing a bleak black and white landscape punctuated with horrifying cries of pain. Once again, the player comes across a corpse on the ground which disappears as soon as the helmet closes and the suit's firmware resets, also causing the world to become colorful again.
The game takes place over three days that will "change Shane forever." Mantel battles a guerrilla group known as The Promise Hand led by a dictator called Gabriel "Skin coat" Merino; a brutal man who wears the flayed skins of his POW camp inmates. In recent trailers, it has been revealed that Shane will switch sides over the course of the game.
The protagonist of Haze is Shane Carpenter. Apparently born in the year 2023, Carpenter is 25 by the events in the game and is the character that the player assumes the role of. Shane survived past the age of 20, having a 90% probability of not doing so, because "Mantel set him free". Shane's mother was killed at The World Games (known also as The Games Of Terror) when Shane was 9 and a half years old
Mantel Powers.
Nectar is a performance-enhancing pharmaceutical drug that gives the user better speed, accuracy and strength. Nectar is used by Mantel Corp soldiers. Mantel is secretly using it to control the minds of the soldiers. Nectar can control what the soldier sees when administered and is a sort of hallucinogenic drug. It can make the soldiers see only the enemies and cut out the destruction and death around them. An overdose on Nectar is dangerous and can lead to loss of control or heart failure. Soldiers may even see their own team as enemies.
Abilities with Nectar:
- Nectar Perception: While on Nectar, enemies will become far more visible, even if they are hiding in the shadows or foliage.
- Melee Blast: Performed the same way as the normal melee attack, but with 10 times the power, thanks to Nectar.
- Nectar Resilience:Bullets won't bounce off, but the player will take less damage from them.
- Nectar Focus: When sniping or using the zoom function resorting to the helmet, Nectar will give the player a new level of focus, helping to aim and making it easier to kill in one deadly accurate shot.
- Nectar Foresight:If the player is in danger while on a Nectar overdose, a visible "pulse" will ripple outward from the point of threat. This could be a grenade at the player's feet, or someone about to melee from behind.
Rebel Powers.
Rebels may go in to a Play Dead mode just before they are killed. This ability allows them to appear dead to the Mantel troopers, other rebels, and the player. However, while "playing dead" the Rebels regain their health. Rebels have also been given the capability to exploit Mantel's dependence on nectar by attacking the injector near the back of the neck causing an overdose, extracting nectar from dead mantel troopers to use on throwing knives causing the victim to overdose and using the injector to create nectar grenades causing an overdose.
Also announced is the Weapons Steal, which gives Rebel troops the ability to take a Mantel trooper's gun. Rebels can also bury grenades in ground as mines, furthering the distinction between the rebels and Mantel troopers.
Mantel Weapons :
BSW-72 Assault Rifle: Anti-personnel rifle firing 5.56mm shards of white-hot depleted uranium capable of penetrating any body armor. Nicknamed the "Black Saw".
Fragmentation Grenades SK3: Based on a standard time fuse, the SK3 is ideal for clearing out a room and is reasonably effective against light vehicles. Nicknamed the "Spring Cleaner".
Pistol Wilson D6: Equipped with 2x zoom and a laser sight, the D6 is capable of delivering 18 rounds between reloads and is particularly effective at close-range against unarmored targets. Nicknamed the "Diplomat".
D118 Combat Shotgun: A high end shotgun that is deadly at close range. Nicknamed the "Donkey Puncher".
87L Rocket Launcher: A state-of-the-art rocket launcher that is very effective against armored targets. Nicknamed "Hard Candy"
B72 Sniper: A long range rifle that fires armor-piercing rounds. Nicknamed the "Pinpointer"
JM90 Machine Gun: A heavy machine gun, weighing in at 180 lbs, that is used in a fix position. Nicknamed the "Heavy Gun"
Promise Hand Weapons:
'Lobo' (Wolf): The Lobo is the standard rifle for most militia groups across the world, with a quick-load double-ended magazine and a large clip size, it's the ideal weapon for both attack and suppression.
'Oso' (Bear): A standard shotgun with a slightly larger clip size than its Mantel counterpart.
'Mano de Dios' (Hand of God): A minigun with a large bullet capacity and rate of fire.
'Razor Tongue': A hunting knife that can be thrown or used to slash. It can be smeared with nectar and used to instantly overdose a Mantel soldier.
'Dragón de la Gente' (The People's Dragon): A portable flamethrower.
'Aguila' (Eagle): A sniper rifle with fewer rounds than the "Pinpointer", but with a bigger round.
'MalaFruta' (Bad Fruit): Old school, but that doesn't mean they don't hurt. Filled with a combination of steel chippings and high explosives, these grenades are just as dangerous as Mantel's own.
'Nectar Grenade': A make shift grenade with a Nectar administrator strapped to it. After exploding a Nectar cloud spreads and overdoses nearby Mantle soldiers.
Mantel Vehicles:
'Mrs. Mantel' A dropship vehicle that 'births' troopers onto the battlefield. It uses movable rotary engines, and miniature kerosene afterburners. It can fly at high speeds like an aeroplane and at low speeds like a helicopter.
The 'Boxcart' A 4 wheeled light-weight assault vehicle that can carry 4 passengers; a driver, a gunner, and two passengers. It has a mounted JM90 HeavyGun turret.
The 'Dumpster' A large vehicle that is able to transport troops and supplies. It is environmentally conscious, using a diesel-electric hybrid powertrain. It has dense armor which can stop most ballistics.
The 'Bigboy' A versatile tank with strong armor, and a flexible track. It uses a high power electromagnetic cannon, which functions like a rail gun.
Haze is planned to feature a four-player split screen co-op mode as well as a four player online co-op mode. At Ubidays, it was revealed that all four squad members were player enabled and could be played co-operatively by simply joining the game. Multiplayer can be played with one to three extra players through combinations of online, split-screen, or LAN. Multiplayer games will also include narrative-based missions to complete, and the game will accommodate up to 16-player online battles.
I just hope people realize what a promising game they are missing.
[QUOTE="ollyd122"]For those who doubt that me and others have actually played the game
http://www.gamecity.org/event/2007/haze_-_world_exclusive[/QUOTE]Wow...that's great. So you played a "demo" thats four months old. Gee I wonder why the game got delayed...hmm maybe it was to polish and fix things. If you truly think the final product will be anything like you played 4 months ago then well your just completely wrong. FRD obviously knew they needed to "live up to the hype". They said this themselves and are clearly dedicated to making a great game. That's why there is no doubt in my mind this will be a triple A title.
PS badboyblack you are clearly just an undercover hater and you will be buying HAZE on day 1.
BUMP! thanks scott, i was just about to say the same thing, they dont delay it to make it worse, they delay to fix everything, case closed
im seriously getting tired of people saying "ive played it, and it sucks" you havent played it... ill bet you a million dollars. if you did, you wouldnt be saying it, you would have had to sign a paper saying you WONT say it, so stop the hate, your most likly xbots hating becasue you cant have haze on your precious 360 anymore, oh TEAR!
To whoever it was who questioned my statement of how Haze can hang with Killzone 2, so heres my answer:
Q. Give me at least 5 things about Killzone 2 to make it so amazing BESIDES the graphics?
A. .........dang... why did he have to say that?? WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING REALLY ABOUT IT!
ding ding ding, we have a winner, there is so much hype for KZ2, but why? just cuz of the graphics? i mean they havent told us anything about the game really, or what is new about it. so what can make us say it will be the best shooter ever? we cant, now ill be one of the first to say i want this game to be awesome, and im sure it will be, but until we know something about it, Haze is just as amazing, the story in haze, great, multiplayer aspect, great, and the whole nectar thing for the troopers is amazing, and with the rebels being able to play dead to hang with the troopers, use nectar against them, and to steal the troopers weapons, whats old about that? im pretty sure i havnt seen that in a game before, so there is my rant
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