So camp has begun again, for me I'm an employed worker at my camp. I'm an Assistant Skating Specialist. The job is mad easy. Skating is probably one of the best worst activities at the camp. Skating in general is fun, but the thing is we have to pad the kids up with elbow, knee and wrist pads and then helmets. Then skats. Because of that not many kids like it. We also have the most off periods :D. Even better the two (2) other guys who I work with are awesome. The head guy knows EVERYONE at the camp (either slept with them hooked up with them, a real pimp to say the least) which means he can ask a group leader not to send a group which means off periods :D. The other guy is new and nice. The job has so many benefits. When its to hot out Skating is closed.. off all day. When it rains we chill in our shed... off all day again. Then the older groups go on trips, so they don't come.. off again :D. So basically we get payed to do the minimum amount of work possible :D:):P. I think its the greatest job I've ever had. When I'm off I chill with my friends who are still campers, mainly all girls :) or I'm in the Arcade were it is AIR-CONDTIONED! Even better my friend is the Arcade Specialist :P. I also get to see my friends who work there who are counselors, who don't have ANY off periods. I've also seen my "Ex" whern we spoke all I heard was her b*tching that she has bug bites and etc. I'm like in my mind you know your in the outdoors and you DON"T think your gonna get a bug bite?!?!?! So needless to say this had been an awesome first week. This past Sunday I picked up Guitar Hero: Aerosmith you'd only like it if your an Aerosith fan. During this week I got my report card :d. My grades are ok in my opinion, but you can judge for yourself. Orchestra: 98, PE: 94, Sports Marketing 2: 99, English: 89 (Only c!ass I din't get a above a 90 in :(, why couldn't she have given me that 90 :cry:? I also got a 90 on that Fianl :).), Spanish: 90 (I got a 85 on the Regents, I didn't fail :D. Its great :)), Math: 97 (Got an 87 on the Final, I should have done a lot better :(), Global: 92 (Dropped 7 points from last quarter and I got an 87 on the Regents I though I did a lot better.), Health: 100 (:shcok: The c!ass I tried the least :shock: and I got a 90 on my Final :P), Living Environment (Biology): 94 (Got a 87 on the Regents I thought I did A LOT better on this one. I really thought I got above a 95 :?:|.). Sorry to bore you with all my grades there :P. Also thos weekend my family and I are going up to Copperstown for the weekend :D. Baseball Hall of Fame here I come. It'll be a nice weekend getaway, some time to chill :).
Rant of the Blog: Ah yes here comes the return of my rants. Todays rant is about the abuse of power. An article my friend Darth-Caedus posted on his blog was about a man who recieved 4,060 years in prison (North Texas Man Gets 4,060 Years For Sex Assaults). To me this is a complete abuse of power. There is NO doubt in my mind that this man deserves to be in prison. 4,060 years though... that is just an abuse of power. If you know for a fact that most people today don't live more then about 85-90. Why the hell would you give such a pointless sentence? That is truly mind boggling to me. He should have recieved life in prison with no chance of parole because that right here means he is not getting out of prison. So that would be a ruling that makes since. As I said it just shows a clear abuse of power and shows that hey we made a ruling that sounds good, but looks completely pathetic on paper. Their have been other cases and events in life that prove this. For example popularity in schools is no less an abuse of power. The popular kids go around thinking they are all high and mighty when they are no better then us. So why do they act this way? Power, they can play a sport better then us/you so clearly in their minds they are better and more powerful. Another abuse of pwer is the Government at times. They seem to intervein when it is opportune for them. They use the fact that hey we are the Government. I don't mean to knock the US Government. Its great and all, but it definitely has its downsides. Not gonna go into all of that know, You get the picture. Just remember this all just my PERSONAL OPINION!
Poem: Hope you guys like it. I made it up while typing the rant :P. Here you go.
Man's greates weapon
Nothing more powerful
No guns, bombs or swords can stop it
The cause of it?
Family Representation?
No one will know
Is there a way to defeat it?
Who knows, we'll just have to look inside
to see if we can stop that pwer hungry feeling we get.
To help another just ask them to look inside to the spot were they felt happiness before
and if not, then they truly mght be the hopeless...
AceBermanX's Quote of the Blog:
"What is a committee? A group of the unwilling, picked from the unfit, to do the unnecessary."
-Mark Twain
"So todays a good and yesterday was a bad day. What does that make tomorrow a bad? I say no, it just makes it another day."
AceBermanX's Video/Song of the Blog:
Video - David Blaine Street Magic Part 4 (Maybe, its not official I don't think. Its still funny though :P.)
Song - Rooftops by Lostprophets (I've been obcessed with this song for the past couple of days now.)
For those of you who read ALL this THANK YOU. For those who didn't please be honest and tell me in your comment. Thanks again to all of you peace for now. Copperstown here I come in about 6 hours 8). I should really get to sleep, lol... NOT :P!
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