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AceBermanX Blog

Woot Woot!!!!!!!

Hell's yeah! I'm typing to you guys from BRAND NEW MacBook Pro! Well last night my aunt, my brother and I went to the Apple store in the city and picked up my laptop! This thing is fricken amazing. I'm so pleased that this is my Hanukkah gift (Jewish version of Christmas). Moving on, all my grades for school were ALL above a 90, except Spanish which was an 84, all the more reason for me to hate my Spanish teacher. This also means I made Honor Roll, which you have too have a TOTAL average of a 89.5 or more, my TOTAL average being a 96.66666665 or something like that. Also for Hanukkah I'm most likely going to get Assassians Creed for the PlayStation3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for the XBOX 360 and hopefully another decent PS3 game. Well that's for now thanks for reading, and sorry for not having a quote today, I'm still figuring this laptop out, coming from being a PC user, to a Mac, well you get the picture, right.

Peace Out!

Holidays, Laptop, Spanish Teacher, and More Fun Stuff!!!!!!!

Well Happy Holidays to everyone! I'm not gonna say Merry Christmas because I'm Jewish. Some of you guys are probably wondering why in the world would I be typing about the holidays so early. Well to answer that I just found out that I MIGHT be getting a laptop, I've been begging my parents for and they have been saying no, college is coming up in two (2) years, everything will be better, yada yada yada. More to the point, my parents BOTH of them asked me would I like a PC or a Mac, which implies to me at least, that I'm gonna get a laptop instead of my sh*t desktop. My reasoning behind me getting a laptop is for the fact of over the past four (4) years my compputer has crashed every year or a tal of three (3) times. It's also a slow piece of poo for an XP Home Media Edition, with many problems. Yeah and even right now it comes up with a message that says "error on line 56" whatever the f*ck that means. Moving on. School well it's official I HATE my Spanishe teacher more then my Living Enviorment(Biology, Bio)teacher, never thought I'd say that. It isn't too the fact that the kid who I hate with aburning passion is in that clas with me, yay me. It is that she is n denial, she says that she told us of a test that we had today being Friday on Monday which is impossible because we didn't have school on Monday because of Veteran's Day. Then she says she told us on Friday which is total bulsh*t. She also makes this Regents c!ass like an Honors c!ass. Her test are f*cking worksheets that youi go WTF Mate! I've seen my friends tests who are ina Honors c!ass and it's easier. Also she sucks at teaching all she does is speak in Spanish when none of us have any f*cking idea what she is saying, which really doesn't benefit me. Another thing she has NO c!assroom control and just now she starts to realize that and she gave out detentions, but the kids who got them did deserve it, one of them who got it, I personally think that he shouldn't have got it, even though I dislike him because he is a jock and an @$$hole, but I do know what is right from wrong and this teacher (Spanish for those of you who forgot already) is so f*cking wrong. Now on Monday I'm going to complain to my Guidance Counsler, who also sucks at her job, lucky me, but my Guidance Counsler is another story for another sentence/paragraph/blog. Other then me wanting to beat thw sh*t of my Bio c!ass and hating Spanish school is great. Also for the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, besides that possible laptop, I'm gonna ask my Aunts and Ucles for Assassians Creed for the PS3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (360), maybe WWE Smackdown! vs. RAW 2008 Featuring ECW (PS3) and maybe any other good PS3 game that comes out soon, because I need actually "want" more PS3 games. Also about my ex-girlfriend, we are still friends we talk on AIM/AOL. Here friends whoare my friends toojust IM'ed me the other day asking me what happened between me and her and I'm like, hold up this happened about two (2) weeks ago and now your IM'ing me! Yeah it was sort of funny, but whatever. Wow I just realized this probably one of my longest blogs, well thanks for reading it, next time I'll try to keep it shrt and sweet.


AceBermanX's Quote of the Blog (Official Name for this Section)

Why is it that when we talk to God we're said to be praying, but when God talks to us we're schizophrenic? -Lily Tomlin

Time to Read a Blog!!!!!!!

Well well well. I'm back with another blog. Well I just finished up an amazing four (4) day weekend, Saturday and Sunday normally off and Monday being Paent Teacher Confrences we got off and today Tuesday being Election Day we have off. School my teachers fricken love especially my Sports Marketing teacher he told my dad that the program wants to keep students like me in that prgram or ****s that are very relevant to it. Then we go to Spanish my teacher tells my dad that extra help is available from here but I dobn't trust her so yeah, but I got a tutor and then she tells my dad test corrections are available and the last time I asked her to do test corrections she said this is thelast time you can do them. So I'm goin what the f*ck is wrong with you! Moving on, I love Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, Co-Op is so much fun. HALO 3 is also just as amazing so that's the small portion about videogames. Also to those of you who have any idea about music well if you've heard of Led Zeppelin then you should know Stairway to Heaven, which I learned to play on the guitar! Woot Woot! HOORAH! Also Im going to leave you guys with a quote every week or when I remember some of you guys my see them in my sigs but here you go again. Thanks for reading and please coment.

AceBermanX's Quote of the Blog Day or something like that:

I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death. -George Carlin

It's Over...

Well my in my girlfriend broke iup yesterday. She said we were different people outside of camp, so we broke up. Well now myEX,but she still wants to be friends though. Any adivce... Please... Also jokes would be nice too.

School, GH III: LoR & More!

Well hey everyone. Couple of things to say. Me and my girlfriend are great! WOOT WOOT! HOORAH! Moving on. Well school is okay. My Bio ****sucks because no one shuts the f*ck up and we get held afterc!ass which is 9th period whcih means I come very close to missing my bus. My spanish ****sucks because my teacher so disorganized and she'll give us a test and we are lost because she sucks at teaching! Well Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock comes out tomorrow, which means a day of wasting my life on that and then some footbal. Let's go New York Jets ho blow right now. Um... not much else going on... so yeah. Peace Out!

Hell Yeah

A very short blog for right now. Well plain and simple I hooked up with a girl, my girlfriend! Woot Woot! HOORAH! She goes to my camp and today was the camp reunion and all our friends knew we liked each other so they forced us to talk. From that we talked and we both agreed that we are a couple so I have a f*cking GIRLFRIEND! HOORAH!!!!!! Any thoughts?!?!

Read This Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well here we go again. To start things off, I'd like to say school this week wasn't horrible. In my Bio ****I got a 91 on my test, Global I got a 95 on my test, Sports Marketing I got a 92 on my test, Math I got a 86, English my teacher hasn't graded the test ans same for my Spanish teacher. Basically this week was a easy week because of Columbus Day here in the U.S., so it was a four day week and because of the Jewish holidays over the past two weeks (Thank you myself, Jew power) a lot of my test were through out this week. This a resulted in me having almost NO time for videogames. I played HALO 3 ONCE this week and otherwise my week was spent studying, on the net, listening to music and trying to play my guitar in what little free time I had. Moving on. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is comng out soon 10/28/07. Super Smash Bros Brawl has been delayed till Febuary 10th, 2008 I think. All thjes delays are really starting to piss me off. Also my union PowerTo Da Gameris looking for more members and a new banner so if you know who to make a banner, sig or icon please join and cntact me. Thanks for reading. Also something funny for you guys and gals.

Mr. Met Trying to Comit Suicide

Mrs. Met caught Cheating

Tunak Song

Ding Dong Song

Time for Another Blog

Here we go with another rant of mine, not really its a blog but whatever. Well I'd like to say once again I love Halo 3. Next I still hate my Bio teacher she is so dull, she has absolutly NO enthusasim. Well I understand why she doesn't like us, thats becaus I'm stuck with kids who don't like to listen are abnixious. Still teachers need enthusiasim. Also some amazing new games are coming out this month, like Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, Project Gotham Racing 4 and Timesplitters. I'd like to apoligize to all leaders of unions that I'm in as an fficer, I haven't been able to post due to all the work my damn 10th grade teachers give me. Also if you'd like to demote me go ahead, but I promise though I'll be on the weekends to my BEST extent. From all my school work I haven't even been able to touch my 360 which sucks because I haven't played Halo 3 in about a week or so how sad is that?! Moving onwho here atces the show HEROS on NBC, that show is amazing!Another thing to add I'm ppissed as all hell because my New York Mets lost there playoff spot in the MLB's worst f*ck up EVER!Well as for now thats it. Thanks for readng.

Halo 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy crap! Halo 3 rocks my socks! I bought the game yesterday (actually my mom got it for me), I played it for about an hour an forty-five minutes. That probably was the best hour and forty-five minutes of my life SO FAR. I playedco-op campaign which is amazing unless you have a lagging connection. Basically this game is amazing and I'll be playing it for quite some time. Alao all the time I've been on only like three or four people AREN'T on Halo 3. In the end this game f*cking rocks! Thanks for reading

A Lot To Say

Well well well... something not school related (or at least not all of it) First off who here is getting Halo 3? Here is my gameplan. I have it pre-ordered, then my mom is going to go to Gamespot in my mall and pick it up for me. If they don't hacve it in here is what I will be forced to do. I will thus go on Sunday because Saturday I've got something for a group I'm in. On Sunday I will walk into the mall with a machete and go into Gamestop and go I want my DAMN Halo 3. This could turn ugly so security might have to gome and arest me, so I'm hoping they have it reserved for me. Next today is Yom Kippor the Jewish holiday were you fast for a day which means no eating until like 7:00pm. Which means dinner with my family will taste DAMN good or at least ot should be DAMN good. Finally... I think... well I still hate my ****s now it's only down to three (3) of them sucking. They are Living Enviorment (Biology), Global and Spanish. Bio sucks because I'm stuck with all thedumbass and jocks and those kids don't give a rats ass about anything (If you read one of my previous blogs you'd know why I'm in REGENTS). The Bio teacher probably the most boring teacher and person on EARTH! She talks so G-d damn slow so you fell retarted. Global sucks because I barely have any friends in that ****but the teacher rocks. Spanish sucks because all the jocks are in the ****and they are SO abnoxious. I have some friends in that ****so it ain't all that bad. Thank you for readint this long long blog, pleas post a comment