Hell week #1 is over! Finally I have the weekend all to myself! I got some homework and a project I finished all that stuff last night (Friday). Yes I said Friday night, how sad is that, my only excuse for me doing work last night is that all my friends were piled up with work as well so for like the first month everyone is getting back into the swing of things. So we are just trying to get everything done so we have the weekend to ourselves. Well all I can say is that my cl*sses aren't as bad as I thought they would be but Living Enviorment (Biiology) still hasn't changed that cl*ss still SUCKS. The jocks haven't done anything at all to irrate ANYONE so far. So it's been decent. Well tonight for those of you who like Naruto, well the world premire movie is on Carttonnetwork tonight, at 7:00pm and then agan at 9:00pm. So well thats it till next weeks post. Thanks for reading!
AceBermanX Blog
The First Day Back or Should I Say Hell
by AceBermanX on Comments
Today was my first day back too High School as a 10th grader. Well my cl@ss SUCK! There are either jocks or the dumbass kids in my cl@ss. It is so bad I BARELY have ANY FRIENDS in my cl@ss. The only cl@ss I really have a decent amount of friends in is Orchestra and thats it. Oh yeah and if your wondering I play the Double Bass in Orchestra that big fat thing. I also play the guitar for fun. So I'm just pissed off that the MAJIORTY of my cl@ss SUCK! My worst cl@ss has to be Living Enviorment or Biology. My teacher is a fricken scary anda mean ass b*tch so far (REMEMBER this is the first day!). Also I know absolutly no one in thatcl@ss. There are two kids who I know already and they are both dumbasses. One of them isn't so bad but the other one failed this teacher last year for another subject she taught and guess what this kid is a jock. Well I hope all of you guys had a better first day then I did. Thanks for reading
P.S. I couldn't write cl@ss so instead of the a I put an @ sign because Gamespot won't let me for some reason.
AH!!!!!!! It's Almost Time For School!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by AceBermanX on Comments
Well it's almost time for school around here in New York. School starts on September 5th, 2007 for me. I learned one thing form myhgh school and that is that my guuidance counsler is a dumba$$. I asked her to make my schedule one way and she tells me okay last school year. So iu get my schedule and guess what!?!? She f*cks it up so my mom calls the school and there is an alternative optin but it sucks so I left my schedule the way it. So my question to all of you is how badly does your school f*ck things up? Also my guidance counsler has f*cked up my schedule for the PAST TWO (2) GOD DAMN YEARS. So yeah. Now onto some forms of real business. Who here is getting Halo 3, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Rock Band, Grand Thft Auto IV, Resident Evil 5, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots? Thanks for reading
-AceBermanX (A C X)
Something About Something
by AceBermanX on Comments
Damn!!!!!!! (Gamespot Won't Let Me Write In Capitals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
by AceBermanX on Comments
Hey! Everyone I'd like to apoligze for not posting. My computer has gotten slow and stupit. Me nd my dad have to re-boot everything from scratch so I won't be on. I haven't posted beacuse my computer is slow so everthing takes FOREVER to load and what not and this will probably take FOREVER as well. So I'll be offline for some time so behave all of you! PEACE OUT Y'ALL!!!!!!!
-AceBermanX (A C X)
Imagine This...
by AceBermanX on Comments
Imagine this... Apple going into the videogame industry. It would be amazing, look at it like this. Sony makes computers, cam-corder's, digital cameras, videogames, videogame systems and electronic etc. Microsoft makes computers and electronic etc. Microsoft is competing with Apple in the computer industry in a sense now because they have a combo operating system. Also Microsoft is competing against Apple in the music player industry with their Zune and Apple various iPod's and now Apple's newest idea the iPhone. There isn't much to say about Nintendo in my opinion because as far as I'm awere they are nothing compared to Microsoft, Sony and Apple and the one (1) major thing they did do was the Wii with it's motion sensibility. So with what Apple has done just imagine how many more systems and videogames there would be for theaverage gamer and the extreme gamer. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, what do you think, and if Apple does go into the videogaming industry who called it? Oh that's right that would be me *laughs*.
-AceBermanX (A C X)
My Vacation Is Beginning!!!!!!!!!!!
by AceBermanX on Comments
Well it's summer vacation, here inLong Island,New York. For my summer, I go to camp for a week, then work for about four (4) weeks at something called C.A.P.E. for about three (3) hours a day which isn't to bad, then I go back to camp for another three(3) weeks. So my summer vacation kicks ass. Now all i'm gonna do is chill with friends at the pool and at camp. Well camp a lot of interesting things happen if you get my drift
. Now it's time to say goodbye and leave a coment if you like, if you do it gives me something to read.
-AceBermanX (A C X)
WWE Superstar Chris Benoit and Family are Dead
by AceBermanX on Comments
Chris Benoit a legendary WWE Superstars life cut trageically short. It is believed to be a double murder suicide, being that Benoit killed his wife (Nancy) and his son (Daniel) over the weekend and himself this Monday (6/25/07). He has another son named David, it is so tragic to lose both your parents and your brother. Some fans are starting to believe it was Benoit's roid rage. Just remember even with the circumstances regarding these deaths LONG LIVE CHRIS BENOIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-AceBermanX (A C X)
Power To Da Gamer
by AceBermanX on Comments
Everyone! My union is under way I'm just waiting for my charter members to respond back. If you got the charter invite please respond back. For everyone else please join my union once it's under way we are going to make it the best possible union with your help. Thanks=)
-AceBermanX (A C X)
Union & Off Topic Stuff
by AceBermanX on Comments
Hey Everyone! The union I'm creating I'm going to try and set it up by the end or middle of June, but I need all of my friens on my contact list to help. I also would like more people to track me and if you want to join in on the union just pm ok. Also please tell we got some Mets fans out there because we are kicking some a** and once we get all our men back from the dl list we'll be back at 100% not saying that we aren't but we'll be even better.
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