I am starting a new blog called picture of the day. Well I hope you guys like it!!!!!
I am starting a new blog called picture of the day. Well I hope you guys like it!!!!!
It has been a slow week but i have been trying to beat Mario vs Duck hunt. It is a game to remmber. If you haven't playeyed it HOW ARE YOU A GAMER!!!!!! Just kidding!!:!
I got one of the hardest games in history!!! I am rank Ninja Dog!!! The game is extremely hard I am up to the horse and the warrior on it they look like demons!!!
Every blog post I will try to tell you guys to comment on one persons blog!!! It will make people happier!!! So the first person I want you guys to comment on is my friend e1337prodigy!!! Just trying to help a fellow out!!!
It is spring break and I have a week off!! Probably going to buy Ninja Gaiden or God of War 2!!! GTA 4 trailer was great !!!! Graphics were great, so was the city. This is one game you should get for PS3!!! I know it is coming out for Xbox 360!!! Also planning on going to level 12!!!
I heard a new xbox 360 is coming out, it is called Xbox 360 Elite? It has a 120 GB hard drive and it is about 479 dollars. What is up with that??? I was going to buy it because it was going to be cool but now i would rather buy a P.S.3!! What are your thoughts!!
Thank you all I got the Bio Emblem!!! A personal Shout out to masterchef1000 and also to horgen123!!! Thank you alot!!!
What do you think about he game Ninja Gaiden Black (XBOX). It got a 9.4 rating. Should i get it? It is about $20!!! But i can get Ninja Gaiden for about $8!!!
So what did you guys think about the game Mercury Meltdown for the psp. Is it worth it to buy!!
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