oh shit, same here
Acez626's forum posts
Thanks for the responses so far :)
Yeah I get around 25-30fps on ultra when I play Bioshock
I have an Asus N550JK
Specs are the following
- 8gigs ram
- Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
- GFX Nvidia GTX850M
My purchased is depending on the performance I am able to get out of them.
The games are
Watch Dogs -
AC4 -
Metro Last Light -
Wolfenstein New Order -
Thanks :)
Hey guys, everything use to work fine, now it doesn't =/
I think I may know the problem, I believe it the laptop (asus n550jk) is using my intergrated gpu instead of my dedicated one(gtx850m) to display the TV, and therefore giving it incorrect resolution.
how can I change this? how can I fix this?
Thanks for any help!
Even though I grew up to GT
Only a fanboy would claim that Forza currently isnt the best racing franchise.
Not saying that there is no chance for DC to be better then horizon,(because thats what fanboys do) but CHANCES are horizon is simply going to be the better game
Jezz, sorry
Guess Microsoft was just b/sing huh?
Shows you fanboys (on both sides) need to stop being fanboys and appreciate advancement in techs
I have a Asus N550JK
Specs are the following
- 8gigs ram
- Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
- GFX Nvidia GTX850M
Wondering what settings/fps I can play the next-gen games that are coming out such was Watch dogs and etc
Hoping I can get a high low/med setting out of them with good fps
Thanks :)
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