@jhonMalcovich: Acez626's reply was just as childish as your original post, but I think what he was getting at is that people like you are making this site worse. Do you truly believe the things you are posting about the XB1, or are you just trolling like 85% of the other posters here?
Ok. And rooting for Xbox One like if it were a cancer cure is not childish ?
Lol how am I "rooting" for Xbox one? I am simply supporting it...the same way I support sony, or any company that brings entertainment to my life
Which is different to what your doing, since your not supporting ps4, but bashing xbox one
Huge difference, wtf are you trying to imply?
That I don't care about both PS4 and xbox one ? Maybe this.
Lol ok bro
whatever you say my man
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