Yeah i think that the demo was great, but for other people that didnt think it was amazing...well its just a demo lol but yeah i see where your getting at the game is gonna be alot better. And you do have to go though it a couple times to get the hang of some of the combos, i got a few down like i know this one where i go from Range to Speed (?) stance and it makes a kickass clearing move, everyone learns how to fly off that piller lol :D Anyways cant wait for september and for august 14 (LAIR!!) i hope lair doesnt let me down
You don't get decent armor and weaponstill you reach higher levels, they simply don't drop. Your friends character rocks because he took thehours ofgame playto develop it. Want money, do the collectors quest and bank $10,000. Want good armor, play about 20 hours, want good spells, join the mage guild. The reason you hate it, is because you haven't spent any timeexploring any of it. Cobalt75
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