Everyone seems to have forgotten about Beautiful Katamari. You can usually pick this up for around £10 and its well worth it. Simple gameplay, crazy Japanese fun..easy controls. If you haven't played it, i think the demo is on XBL
These are some of my favorite PC gaming moments; > First AOM mass LAN party game, which went on for a marathon 3 hours before we had a victor. > Watching the introductions to Dawn of War, Mark of Chaos and Dawn of War 2. Really jaw dropping cutscenes. > Playing SWAT 4 co-op online
Sword of the Stars - Space empire building with planet management and cusomisation of spaceships. The game also uses some ridiculous races...i mean if space dolphins are you style then PLAY THIS GAME. I've never really found anything that compares to civilization in the terms of empire building games...Civilization 4 is the best turn based empire building game around
Resident Evil 4, from my little soapbox. I had so much fun playing through the game countless times. Story was spot on, great new over the shoulder cam and one of the first to utilise button sequences during cutscences to an immersive level of play. It pushed a new level of survival horror out onto the market, not like the traditional gameplay.
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