This game is killing me. Why online games you can see who the other person is choosing ruins this game. They wait to see who you pick and take the best fighter to counter yours. F%^& Sub Zero players I hate you
@knowledgebroker: This development company has a bad track record for bad performance with the previous AC. Whatever! they had to scale the new game down to get it at a stable frame rate. the streets look empty compared to the last game. All thanks to the shit CPU plus a better GPU would not hurt. $100 more... You have any idea what Sony pays for the APU ($95) that was in 2013. $100 extra could of got a real cpu and GPU in there
@knowledgebroker: The 360 was $499-$399 not $600 when it came out and it had power to back it up yes they sold it at a loss yes it overheated. The ps4 could be $499 today and that is a good price and have (way better cpu) and better gpu . here we are today the PS4 games run at piss poor frame rates GTA 5 has issues on this thing. just a $100 would be a huge jump in specs I have PS4 and like playing games on. just wish it were better
Poor EA they are dam if they do and dam if they don't. I don't understand, all a lot of you do is #$%& and complain. I was going to try this game and now I know it will be good because you hipsters hate it. like everything in your life
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