@Dragmarr lol since when, i just installed it back on my pc to test this because i was not 100% sure about it but you can sprint and it gets faster as your Atletics ranks up. Go test it your self and see.
@mutanto My PC cost me around £800 to build and it will last me a long time, I'll save the difference in no time when i'm buying games (and i buy allot of games) that cost £25 compared to £40 console games so it makes sense to me especially when the games developers are trying to stop you from trading in games. I have all ready spent about £125 this month on games now double that and you see my point.
@syler4815162342 Since when do you need to upgrade a PC every 6 months? My PC is 2 and a half years old and it's still run's most games on max easily, i hate this point of view people have of PC gaming that you need to upgrade all the time it's just a myth. If you was intrested my PC specs are. i7 930 clocked to 4.0Gz 12GB of DDR3 1600MHz Nvidia Gforce GTX 470 Superclocked To put it simply PC Gamer For Life..
@Tidal_Abyss So you rig is prety much the same as mine then, just you have sli 460's, might pick up another 470 or maybe i'll upgrade my gfx card all together.
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