@blackace another Madden hater, you NFL 2K loser need to let that NFL 2K crap for good because it's not coming back. Madden is the only NFL game around and if you don't like it tough. EA Rules
I hope it doesn't happen but if it does are they going to to force gamers who brought the250GB and 4GB to give up there system or face jailtime. for one I'm not going to give up the 250GB one because I brought that one last Oct and I don't have the mney to buy another new Xbox 360. Also if could hurt Obama chance to be re-elected because to make a decision. also most gamers voted for Obama. Also it could leave a open door for both Sony and Nintedno, Wii U will be out around November but it will cost around $300.00 so this could leave Sonjy which the PS3 right now is price at 249.99.
AgentRaven77's comments