It started working for me around noon yesterday, and I was playing the whole day since then. Now I wake up this morning and it's down again.
AggrandizedUser's forum posts
But those choppers respawn DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME and see me instantly!Its very difficult above ground/in the open to run from a 4-5 star. The choppers are your biggest issue so before you try to break line of sight you should try to shoot them down. Once they are gone its a lot easier. The biggest problem is that they keep spawning and coming back frequently at this rating. So you have to move quickly after the choppers are gone. Never go down the same road for more than a few blocks because they will keep spawning if they know you are coming down that road. Unpredictability is your biggest advantage. I like to avoid roads altogether past three stars. Make the cops chase you off road. That really messes with them. They usually go too fast and crash and fly off the mountains and stuff.
not sure, but I think that option would have Franklin die? Makes sense as picking either of the other 2 results in their death. I chose to kill Michael but tbh I'd rather have Franklin die as he's the least entertaining of the 3.\
If you want to be cautious just make a save game file before picking one of the 3.
at 4 star wanted level, in a helicopter. Every time they lose sight of me, a new police chopper spawns directly in front of me and sees me instantly. Is it impossible to evade a 4 and 5 star wanted level? This just feels like extremely cheap AI.
I've heard a lot about how so much of GTA V was carried over from Max Payne 3, but it seems to me the best part of Max Payne 3 wasn't brought to GTA. The Bullet wounds! Those sweet grusome bullet wounds you get in Max Payne 3 where there's a giant blast out the back of people's heads. That was my favorite part of MP3 and I bet the only reason they didn't put it in GTA V was because of all our stupid gaming critics that hated on it in MP3 for "fetishizing violence". Screw those critics. Rockstar should have put it in anyway becuase it was really cool and made your gunshots feel super powerful. Spoiler here, but there's one mission where an FIB dude gets his head shot at point blank range and you see the back of his head come right off and you see his brain. That's the kind of gorey wounds I'd love to have seen as standard in GTA. At least they could have done that with the more powerful weapons. In the earlier GTA games you had full DISMEMBERMENT. How awesome would it be to get to shoot off/explode people's arms and legs and heads with GTA V graphics?
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