I got it yesterday, and I was really disappointed with the way char models look like (weak textures/shaders), talking about face more precisely.. Maybe it is just me (I run at a 720p rear projection LCD 42" sony) but even Half Life 2 (which is older than this) had better face expressions and textures. Even GoW looked better while playing. Gameplay is awesome, not complaining about it (expect for that auto aim thing that bothers me a bit). It is a good game, but like some have said, it is just average in graphics wise (I own it, I can admit, no fanboy here)
"Also, Elder Scrolls 4 is coming to PS3, with more content than the 360 version. idk if it was reported on gamespot yet, but it was in the latest issue of PSM. " the same content will be available through XBL...
Ahiru-San's comments