[QUOTE="homegirl2180"][QUOTE="AirGuitarist87"][QUOTE="homegirl2180"] Entirely avoid II, V, and VIII. What's your beef with VIII? I hadn't played FFVIII since it came out until last year. I actually replayed and beat I think VII, VIII, and IX all last year, and while I remembered as a child really enjoying VIII, having a more educated view now I see how bad it is. The biggest problem is the "draw" feature. That was a terrible idea, and it was terribly executed. The junction system was a good idea, but not very well-executed as many of the junctions' categories caused little change, though some could be effective if you had 99 of the proper spell, but then you can't use that spell without lowering your weapon's effectiveness, which goes back to why the draw system was dumb. The idea that the enemies level up with you didn't make each random battle challenging, just tedious. I urge any RPG aficionado who likes FFVIII, but hasn't played it since turning 20 to replay it. The story's entertaining enough and enrapturing enough, but the gameplay, which tends to matter most, is very subpar. FFVII and FFIX has aged much better. I wouldn't say that it's not executed well, but it's certainly different. The main thing is that apart from weapons the characters are pretty much chosen by either plot-points or just who your favourite is (or creating my own little harem in my case) which I guess is nice. There's no "oh crap" moments when I realise my white mage is off elsewhere in the world or something. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. One thing I did find strange was the fact you always level after 1,000 exp, no matter what level you're at. I tell you a dark secret of mine - I enjoyed the card game the most in VIII. I was seriously addicted to that. Like, obsessively. :oops:
Games that load the "Press Start" screen and then load the main menu. FPS games that think an unscoped sniper rifle has the accuracy of a blind folded armadillo. Cutscenes that you can pause but not skip. Multiplayer games with no dedicated servers. PC games that have the same key I use to record Fraps for something else. Worst has been Skyrim. "Oooh this looks interesting" *record* *quickloading* DAAAAAAMN!
Just reminded me of this! I think my mum still has this old typewriter she's kept in her "just in case" mood. Though the whereabouts is uncertain. I like using OmmWriter and pretending though.
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