AirGuitarist87's forum posts

Busy making Pepsi Max and and Bingo adverts.So where the hell is that England I saw qualify who scored goals for fun and completely thrashed everyone they faced?
And you feel you have the right to insult them. It's two sides of the same coin. Being violent doesn't mean you're stupid. It is an outdated aspect of human nature, but it certainly needs to be channelled somewhere. And evidentially you care, since you made a thread about it. :P[QUOTE="AirGuitarist87"][QUOTE="KHAndAnime"] No, it's entirely stupid. It's as if sports fans feel like they have a right to go crazy if their team loses. Who cares? tocklestein2005
It's insulting to modern society to run around damaging other people's property and harming other people just to revel in your primitive tribal feelings, IMO.
Modern society is built on denying our primitive urges, though.[QUOTE="AirGuitarist87"]It's not exactly stupid; it's a primitive tribal aspect present in every human. Even you're doing it now with the in-group/out-group mentality.KHAndAnimeNo, it's entirely stupid. It's as if sports fans feel like they have a right to go crazy if their team loses. Who cares? And you feel you have the right to insult them. It's two sides of the same coin. Being violent doesn't mean you're stupid. It is an outdated aspect of human nature, but it certainly needs to be channelled somewhere. And evidentially you care, since you made a thread about it. :P
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