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Aizen_Fangirl Blog

Short report of today

Well, turns out Saiga-san is hidoues. I've asked 100 girls at my school for a survey we had to do using a pic of him that he gave Kagura-chan. Most girls just crinkled their nose and said gross, buta few screamed and at least two threw up right after seeing it. I wonder what my math teacher is going to think of the results. Maybe I should put Kagura-chan's opinion in there. Her opinion wasn't mean but I was only supposed to get 100 opinions.....

Anyways on to today's events. Kagura-chan tried to make frosting, but the recipe we found online sucked @ss and it failed. we had some sprite and pizza, though, so it's okies, i guess. and that's today

Later today... well, Kagura-chan's mom drank way too much again and got into it with her little sister. F*cking b!tch even turned off all of the power in the house. She starting yelling how she's going to send Kagura-chan and her little sister off to a mental house and have them arrested for talking and spilling a glass of water on the floor because she was yelling and cussing at them. Who do you thinkis going to the nut house? I know who I'm betting on

La la la la la

Today was okay. Not too good not too bad. I didn't get my cookies!!!!!! (Someone is going to die!!! Die I tell you!!!) But I did get to watch Kagura-chan's AP Bio teacher blow up when Kagura-chan told her about her mom calling Kagura-chan a whore! It was priceless!!! She's just like "WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" It was great, you had to be there, really. You would laugh your @ss off, well, at least if yoi hated her mom. Wait, who doesn't hate Kagura-chan's mom? (Well, besides whatever guy is getting some from her ;) Anyways, how was everyone else's day and will someone volunteer to bake me cookies?

As a side note, I found the adress of Saiga-san, the guy Kagura-chan is in love with!!! I am so evil!

Hey there, Saiga-san! Happy reading

Turns out someone besides Kagura-chan reads these after all. That someone else is Saiga-san, the guy Kagura-chan is in love with. I guess that means no more rants on here to let off steam. It sucks, I guess, because this is my way of expressing myself and getting out some of my anger before it all bottles up and I do something stupid like deck Kagura-chan or yell at my mom. Anyways, he read it and said I said some stuff about him that wasn;t nice. I myself think I was rather nice. I was even nicer about him than I was when I first met Kagura-chan. I called her a lot of stuff I won't repeat here and look at how much I love her now! Maybe it just shows how they adapt to their environments differently, because they both had suckish childhoods that involved a lot of moving but they turned out completely different. Idk if that is a good or bad thing. But they both could use a lesson or two in expressing their feelings. Saiga-san seems to have a lot of pent up rage like I do (maybe that's why we butt heads so often) and Kagura-chan feels like she must always be happy and keeps everything inside of her and takes it out on herself. Oh! Saiga-san could also show that he cares for people more openly, maybe he did that when he was younger and the person ended up screwing him sideways with a bucket and a rusty spoon, idk, but he should just come right out and say, "I care about you!" at least to Kagura-chan becauseit's good for her to hear that. Speaking of Kagura-chan, she's much better today. I was expecting her to be a lot worse due to the little incident yesterday, but she's not. I hope she's not being fake happy so a mob doesn't form and make a certain guy change his religion (if you get my drift..... you probably should, especially if you're a guy). I hope things work out between the two, I feel like I'm just making everything worse between them. I tend to be a tad, okay, extremely overprotective of her and tend to lash out on people when she's not happy, ask my mom and dad. Maybe I'm just making excuses for being a sh!tty half.assed friend.

This dude Kagura-chan loves

Have you ever had that one friend that always fell for this guy who always seemed to be making her cry? Well, Kagura-chan fell for this sort of guy and his name is Saiga-san. She loves him with all of her heart, poor thing. I've met this guy myself and I can say I have mixed feelings for him. On one hand, I can see why she loves him. He can be very sweet, kind, charming and all of that good sh!t. But on the other hand, he's cowardly, sometimes extremely boring, forgets about her constantly, self-centered, shallow, and crap like that. If he didn't treat Kagura-chan the way he does sometimes, I'd give him an A+ with flying colors, but he is just down right rude to her sometimes. He says he cares about her but does what is worst for her and doesn't consider her feelings like now for instance. She told him about the mutliple (and I mean multiple, there is at least 15) times that he told her to go die. Turns out she tried several of them in an attempt to make him happy. So he freaks out and says he'll never talk to either one of us again because it's "best for Kagura-chan" The funny thing is she has never been more depressed and sudical in her life, the exact opposite of what he wanted. I love it when life throws you curve balls. But anyways, she thinks he's raging mad at her and hates her guts and wants her to die. She also believes that she's a failure at everything, ugly, fat, and should have never been born. What do you know? She's gone back to her earlier self-loathing I spent months training her to overcome. She was the happiest she'd ever been since he broke up with her because of "the distance" (I myself think it's because he thinks she's ugly. She's not, she's hot with a captial H!) and then he had to go and stop being friends with her again! Right after he promised that they'd be friends forever. So her heart is broken again, for like what? the 26th or 27th time at least. I mean, he should have stayed being friends with her because that wasn't adversly affecting Kagura-chan, it was doing great things for her in fact, but he likes to be Mr. Negative when it comes to her and can only think of all of the bad things, which are far less than the good things, so even when she was crying and pleading with him to still be her friend, he said no, which I think is heartless considering who Kagura-chan is. She's a very cheerful and open-hearted girl. She trusts everyone and she trusted him when he told her they'd be friends forever. Unforunately, she has a deathly fear of being lied to because she's been lied to and taken advantage of countless times. It's quite sad actually. I thought they made a cute couple myself and thought he really did care about her, I guess I was wrong. Maybe I'm not as good at judging people as I thought. I just wish he'd make up with her before it's too late... I'm scared for her, I really am. She's been really stressed out lately and this has just made it worse because she is so in love with him it's not even funny. I don't understand why she loves him anymore, I used to, but if she deals with this all the time, I don't think I'd be able to handle it, especially how he forgets things he does all the time, especially when they are bad things. But hey, that's just me. To each their own, right? If he makes her happy, I guess I have to go only with it.... Hopefully for the better, even though I doubt it can get any worse

My Day

Okay, Mika reporting! So basically, it turned out that my new medication did mess with my head T-T Side effects may include: nasicua, headaches, severe depression, mood swings and crap like that. Isn't this stuff supposed to be like helping me with my problems? Not giving me more. Oh well, the doc gave me some anti-depressants and some stress relievers in order to offset the side effects. Only thing is, I'm starving all the time now. I have eatan like non-stop all day! It's horrible! I already weigh like almost 150 (probably past that by now, but a girl can dream) and now I'm going to eat like that fat man in mexico!!! (No offense to mexicans) i mean, are they like trying to keep me in the hospital, because it seems that everything they give me just makes me worse. I blame the gov, it's all their fault

New Meds!!! 1st time ever on them!

Okay, sooooooo this is my 1st time ever on medication for my anger problems and so far it's been okay. I've just been a little, okay, a lot loopy and stupider than usual. I mean I'm like spacing out more, but I'm like more mellow, too, you know? Like the little things don't bother me as much. 1st time thar I've gone a day in school without cussing someone out for something or other. Also, the 1st time I've sleep through 2 classes straight (I woke up just in time for lunch =D) But that's not my medication's fault, that's Saiga-san. He's this semi-cool guy. By semi-cool I mean he can be cool sometimes and a total @ss at other times. But anyways, this dude kept me up late so yeah, that's why I slept a lot. Come to think of it, this medication makes me talk a lot more when I'm not spacing out. Maybe I should try a new medication... oh well. So far, i like this sh!t.

**** my ****ing **** of a life

Okay, so yesterday was Valetine's Day. I had a date and all that **** it was great. I was over at my BFFs house when her ex and a mutual friend of ours, Saiga-san (real name Christian Tambling!!!!), gets on. I start joking with him about not having a date for Valetine's Day (Kagura-chan didn't have one either even though 11 guys asked her out, so i made fun of her too) and he gets mad and says that he hates the **** holiday anways b/c it's stupid. turns out that a girl screwed him over big time last year on Valetine's Day (Just like you screwed Kagura-chan over! Karama is a **** man!). i mentioned that kagura-chan didn't like Valetine's Day either and he's all like, well, she probably doesn't have a good reason not to like it. my response was yeah, she does, him. b/c last year, he cussed her out and told her to go **** die last year and all of this other **** b/c he was mad at that other stupid **** guess what, kagura-chan still liked him and he broke her heart... again! (I've lost count of how many times he's broken it) so we start getting into it and arguing over some **** i even forgot what the hell it was.

Thinking back on it, maybe i did overreact. i mean, i guess i was being pretty mean to the guy, but he isn't Mr. nice himself. i even feel sort of bad for what i did. i trashed kagura-chan's valetine's day even more, made her cry, probably ruined any chance that her and saiga-san could ever be friends (exact opposite of what i wanted to do. i really wanted those two to be friends again b/c it means a lot to her), made someone else hate me (big surprise there, not really), and gave kagura-chan nightmares. Go me! Not really

Maybe I should get on those anger mangament pills and start taking those classes.........

The most epic scene in anime ever

Saiga is running along a hallway in the Tennozu Masion looking for his beloved Kagura-chan. He sees Kagura laying on the floor through one of the doorways and runs over to her and picks her up in his arms.

Saiga: "Kagura, are you okay? I'm so glad... Let's go. Can you Stand? We can save you. Ryougoku-sensi found a way to cure you"

Kagurais looking down at the floor andshakes her head no.

Kagura: "I'm sorry Saiga-san. You've done enough."

Saiga: "Kagura"

Kagura: "It's all my fault. I should have never been born. If I hadn't, so many people would still be alive..."

Saiga: "What are you saying? That's not your fault. You just need to live your own life from now on!"

Kagura: "I've decided. The accursed fate that plages Suitengu and me will end here. So, Saiga-san, don't worry about me, run."

Saiga: "No way!You haven't even lived half as long as I have! See more of the world, see more of what it has to offer, and then say things like that!"

Kagura looks up at Saiga as tears begin to stream down her face.

Kagura: "Thank you, Saiga-san. I'm gald to have met you. It wasn't for very long, but I was happy to be with you."

Saiga: "You think it's all over if you die? What about the feelings of those you leave behind? What about my feelings?"

Kagura stops crying.

Saiga: "I told you I'd set you free. What about that promise?"

Kagura: "Saiga-san."

Saiga leans in close to Kagura and pulls her into a tight hug.

Saiga: "I love you. So live. For me."

I dedicate this to my best friend ever, Kagura-chan (That's you Sai-chan, but you already know that b/c I've been calling you Kagura-chan since we watched Speed Grapher together.) and her Saiga-san (You know who you are). May you two live happily ever after b/c I know you two will =D Just go ahead and start dating, though! Really, I mean you two make the perfect couple! Perfect! This proves it b/c I can totally see this happening w/ you two but that could just be b/c I'm like super weird and all, but really, you two need to go out. I know you still love him, Kagura-chan and he loves you too =D (He'd better still love you otherwise I'll find his @ss and beat the sh!t out of it)

My New Years Day (A Rant about Sai's Mother)

Everyone knows how New Years Day is supposed to be a nice, calm, relaxing day that you share with family and close friends, right? Well, you're f*cking wrong! I'm at my best friend, Sai's house and it sucks @ss. Her mom is screaming and yelling at us for no reason and telling her that it's all her fault she can't pay the God d*mn bills. She tried to go on a walk and guess what? Her mom stopped her and starting screaming at her even more, cussing her out and blaming every God d*mned problem she had on her. So now we're sitting in her room and she's crying her eyes out again! No wonder this girl is so insecure. She's fine everywhere else except for her own house because of the way her mom treats her. It's almost as bad as Kagura's mom from Speed Grapher. My question is what the hell did she do to deserve this kind of treatment? Her little sister is right there cussing her mom out and who does she punish? Sai. Yeah, punish the good child why don't you, you f*cking b*tch! You tell her how she's fat, ugly, and stupid and how noone will ever love her.Youcall her names constantly and make fun of her for every littlething she does. You tell her that her friends don't care about her andmake fun of her behind her back and that everything thinks she's weird and needs to die. Well, I have a newsflash for you, you'rea fugly, insecure, old b*tch that no one likes. Everyone thinks you're weird andtouched in the head. If anyone in that house is going to the crazy farm, it's you. Sai is cute and innocent and a lot of people care about her. she's just like Kagura from Speed Grapher so just wait until her Saiga comes. He'll blow off your head with his camera hopefully or at least have you arrested for child abuse. Yeah, hitting your child is a crime. Bet you didn't see that coming, did you?

Yo! I'm new here, so yeah, whatever

Well, I made an account on here for my good friend, Sai (Do I really have to call you Sai? I mean, we've know each other for years, so this just seems sort of gay but hey, I do owe you one...... thousand) So far this place seems medicore at best. Hate my username, but if it makes her happy I'll guess I'll live with it. Stupid boys that make her cry and unhappy!!! I should beat them all in the face they the dogs they are!!! Making a poor innocent little girl like her cry. Have some feelings, you bastards!!!!! Really, you need to get a better taste in guys, yours sucks. Sorry Sai, but they just make me so mad!!!! Well, back to video games. Yeah, I love video games. Killing, shooting, stuff like that. Makes me feel better at the end of the day, you know. Well, I guess you don't. Some favorites of mine are: Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Gungrave, Devil May Cry, 007, Mortal Combat, Grand Theft Auto, etc.

I'm okay with your Aizen-chan now and I guess you were right and he is okay and..and nice.... Stupid fortune cookie

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