Will the premium go down? because its $100 more in canada :evil: which is A TOTAL ****ING RIP-OFF!!! The Canadian 360 is $499! Arrrg. Thats the only thing holding me back from a 360 :cry:Hyper-Chicken$399 American is still more than $499 Canadian so quite you b*tching.
Akamashi's forum posts
Here is my collection. It's a little more modest than I'd like but I did just add the two imports today so I'm happy.
Oh, and just so I can get some of those Sony fanboys screeming at me, Wii has sofar sold more than three times as many units as the PS3. Which system seems to be more succesful so far? (like throwing jet fuel on a campfire)
[QUOTE="SeesAWE"]Who cares. they're both the same cept for the pokemon you can catch. And no one knows what the lot of them are. So at this point, none is better than the other. =/Kratos_Aurion56
I beg to differ >_>
If I get this game ("if" cause I've never played pokemon), I'm totally getting Diamond. The little critters are way more badass than in Pearl.
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