I was thinking the same thing when I finished the game. The story isn't great, but it's not near as bad as reviewers made it out to be. The action is top notch to.
sounds cool, I haven't heard anyone talk about PS3 hardware in a long time, hearing RSX again was kinda funny, reminded me of all the old SW arguments about which HD console was more powerful
Gears 1 had a terrible story and great multiplayer Gears 2 had a terrible story and average multiplayer UC 1 had a great story and no multiplayer UC 2 had a great story and good multiplayer
Having said all that my opinion is UC is far better than Gears, I just don't tend to like Epic games
MJOLNIR is probably better altogether just because it has shields, but I just think the nanosuit is so cool because its a mix of biology and mechanics, so I'll take the nanosuit
A lot of those categories are pretty pointless as far as judging a game goes, but as somone who has played a lot of both games I like KZ3 more, Halo has just gotten bland to me, and Reach didn't do anything to make me think differently
I'd say Orange Box, Uncharted 2, BFBC2, and Resident Evil 4 are all better than everything on that list. To be honest I didn't like Reach much, I'd take any other Halo shooter besides ODST over it
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