Hahahaha, You which! Sea of thieves and crackdown are more exiting that all they showed. Really looking forward to Scalebound and halo wars 2. Where do you live?
Just think about those PS4 owners. This gen is awful, much worst than XB1, for them and they don't have backward compatibility, just remasters that they need to buy again, "the last of us". That is seriously sad if you think about it.
Wow, aren't you too harsh? I would rather hang out with him than with a person with such hateful way to express themself as you did in your post. People has the right to be wrong occasionally and we should not be calling them trash for all eternity.
Totally disagree. There have been plenty of Mech fighting games but you might not remember oneam and that is tlling Titanfall is hands down much better than Call of Duty. The same guy who make what Call of Duty is today is making a much better game. It just that people are animals after all, and animals like to have their patterns and do the same thing over and over.
Aleperez75's comments