In the Skingrad house you can buy, there are two groups of garlic hanging on the ceiling in the basement. I think that there might be a clove of garlic in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Vicente Valtieri's room, too. In the camp outside the Ayleid ruins near where you first stepped outside when you began the game, there is some garlic hanging in the tent.
Just play it until you can't anymore, and send it in if it does break. Easier said than done sometimes, but hopefully it can be fixed. At least sending it in is cheaper than going out and buying a new one. :/
Breton race is good. Magicka fortification and magicka resistance.
And if you're like me, choose Sneak as one of your major skills. You end up leveling up rather fast during Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild quests. Acrobatics and Athletics are good major skill choices, too, and I suggest choosing either Blunt, Blade, or Marksman, depending on what kind of weapon you'll be using the most.
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