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Allehelgens Blog

'06 foo's...

Yeah, whatever...anyway. I finally got all of my graduation money and the total came to $300 I think :lol:. I deposited most of it in my checking account, the rest I've been spending at the local Media Play thats going out of business. I applied for Office Depot...:?...I 'plucked' up the computerized test I think though :lol:. Hopefully they'll call me, I need a job :cry:.
I've also put down Far Cry for now, because my PC isn't what it was what I thought it would be now (my graphics card didn't work.) So until I get another GCard or PC I won't be playing it or HL2 anymore. Battlefield 1942 and UT2004 run fine on it though, thankfully. UT2004 has a surprisingly good single-player campaign, take that Bet-On-Solider :lol:. I should have some reviews for both in the next two weeks.

Last entry for '05

    Well a lot happened this year most importantly though I graduated High School 6 months early. I might go into some sort of writing exposé for fun because it seems I have a knack for it, even though its not what I want to do in life. I won't be going to college until August, because its just too early for me to go back to school right now, since I graduated I love my me time, which has mostly been spent out on the road trying to find a goddamn job. My parents thankfully haven't really pushed me to go in any one direction with anything so I'm free to stay with them as long as I want, which hopefully will be until the end of '06.
    I've been at work on photoshop the past few days messing around with the brush feature and I finally created about two or three really good ones, look for them at on my page sometime next year when I figure out where the hell they are on my HDD.
   Thats my life in a nutshell, if you want to see some of my brushes for PS CS2 just PM or E-mail me.

X-Mas items, I know you care.

  1. Porcupine Tree - Up The Downstair 2004 Version w/ Staircase Infinities (2 Disc set)
  2. PNY nVidia Geforce 6600 SLI PCI-E (my parents bought the wrong kind :lol: they didn't think about the motherboard, I'll have to exchange it.
  3. Clothes....expected
  4. Headphones....for some reason I got them.

Beat MGS3 on Extreme

Uh, it wasn't THAT hard since I had beat it on Normal before trying it on Extreme. I just had to sneak around more in Extreme and The Fear was the only boss that took me longer to knock out (yes I knocked out every boss except for Volgin sadly. I think I'll play it again with the Patriot to see how long the Sorrow's sequence will be :lol:. Expect a review in a few.

Too many...

I'm not buying anymore games for the next two or three months. If I get another it will be a freebie. I have too much to finish right now, FarCry and Gran Turismo 4 (which is REALLY long it looks like, I'm only 5% through) FarCry doesn't seem too long though, just my PC is making the game lag a little, like HL2 does sometimes, my parents OK'd me and are getting me some RAM and a new graphics card (6600GT, or 6800GT.)

My Reviews...

I was going through my reviews since I made my Counter-Strike one, I realized I only have two reviews bashing games :?...I guess I only focus on the positives of games, or I just review the good ones :lol:...but I did a good review for Killzone even though a lot of people...mostly those who haven't played the game...bashed it. Expect new reviews for Half-Life 2 since I'm playing through it for probably the last time, and another few paragraphs for my Half-Life review, since I've just started playing Half-Life: Source and GS doesn't have a seperate gamespace for that one. Also I'll get my reviews for Unreal Tournament 2004's single player mode up with a few more for other N64 and PS games. My babbling is fun isn't it, ghost reader :lol: >_>

More Journal, er..Blog fun...

Okay, I've decided that I'm bored enough to do this stuff in the next few months. Leave comments if you wish.
  1. Most overrated game on GS (different catagories apply [FPS, Sports, RPG, Platformer, PS2, Xbox, etc.])
  2. Most underrated game on GS " "
  3. User-reviews that are better than the editors ( :lol: )

Final day of High School 12/8/05

Well, it finally came, luckily I got it earlier than almost everyone else that I used to go to school with. A whole semester earlier. Now all that's left is the graduation, big ****ing deal there, just walk across a stage, go pick up diploma at school, go to college. Yeah, I know what I'm going to do for college, computer engineering and software programming. It won't be cheap but hopefully I will be able to pay off the loans fast. Not to mention I most likely got a scholarship from the state, since my GPA was no doubt over a 3.0. Oh well, I'll see what comes my way in terms of money and colleges.