@Mogan: You wrote "It seems more likely that insecure people are making up the enemies they want to fight, and doing whatever mental gymnastics are required to convince themselves those enemies really exist."
You mean like ANTIFA does? You mean like the enviro-Statists do? You mean like Black Lives Matter does? You mean like the "Occupy" movement does? You mean like the Me-Too movement does? You mean like the "Resistance" does? You mean like pro-abortion movement does? You mean like "La Raza" and the "Reconquista" movements do? You mean like basically the entire Leftist/Liberal movement does? Yeah....you're right!
@Pierce_Sparrow: I don't see anything wrong with what you wrote. Except that I'm sure you mean to write "haven of crime" and not "haven't of crime". Regardless, you know as well as I do that whites get a bum rap these days. As do Christians, and gun owners. You KNOW that if it were to be turned around, there would be hell to pay. I just want true fairness and equality. I'm no friend of political correctness. And I definitely agree with your last sentence.
@Pierce_Sparrow: What a coincidence.....I guess I'M more concerned that you "don't care about any of that". Look, we live in a time where EVERYTHING is politicized! I can't watch a fucking football game anymore without having politics shoved in my face. But unlike you, I strive for equality. And anyone should agree that perpetuating stereotypes, whether in a game, in a song, in a painting, a sculpture, etc., is not the best thing to do to spread harmony.
Let's face it, even though I'm not considered "white", we live in a very volatile time where being white almost a disease. The media, SJWs, celebrities, etc villify all whites as having priviledge, being this or that. I'm just positing that in the interest of fairness....we should set one of these games in a ghetto somehwere.....THEN you'll see the "butt-hurt" masses come out droves. That's something EVERYONE should "care about".
@ianbrettcooper: So let me get this straight.....the anti-gun, anti-war "liberals" are the ones who "fought the Nazis" in WWII?? Hahahahaha.....riiiiight. Just like the liberals fought against slavery in the Civil War, huh? Just like liberals fought along side me in Afghanistan to eradicate the Taliban huh? Oh yeah....there were liberals all around me in the military. lol That's the funniest thing I've ever read!!!!
The only thing I see liberals fighting is: the Police, Conservatives, The Bill of Rights, Prayer, the National Anthem, the Rule of Law, National Sovereignty, Pride in one's country, Christianity, Borders, the Pledge of Allegiance, Free Speech, Open debate of opposing views, Christmas, Common Sense, and the American way of life. THOSE are the only things I see pathetic liberals fighting these days!!!
You see sport, I can play this game all day. Only my claims are backed by FACTS!!! There are two sides to every story, and one side to every fact. And unfortunately, your pathetic attempt at revisionist history doesn't make the cut!!!
@Pierce_Sparrow: Look caaaaaarefully at my photo numbnuts. You see....only a true liberal racist (redundant, I know) like you sees color in EVERYTHING they do and say just to TRY and make a point!!! But anyone with HALF a brain (meaning you haven't got one) would see that I was merely pointing out how bad stereotypes are for everyone!!! But nah.....you'd rather make assumptions and call me white AND a racist based on your own liberal slant. A mark of your kind.
@TruSake: That'll be a first....considering Conservatives have been wiping the floor with liberal asses these days. And thank God it's just a video game. I'm quite certain you wouldn't fare as well in real life.
AloeVera4's comments