@hella_epic @Alpr1010 My apologies, but her...him...idk, reviews from what I have seen just bash games for no apparent reason. Didn't she do a 2nd review of gta5? that's just an example.
@d-man @Alpr1010 If it's more of the same, it doesn't necessarily be bad. Now, if this was like...the 6th game in the series and one is released every year, then YES I would have a problem with it.
I played over 100 hours of arkham city. If the game plays so similarly, I will still enjoy it. That being said, I have little time for gaming now and I already have a huge backlog of games, so I will wait for discount on steam whenever it gets there.
$30? Is it an actual full game? I love the R&C games but since CiT, they've really havent made another one...the rest have been non-story ones which I am not interested in.
On top of that, they said the game will be shorter. All R&C titles are usually 8 hours with 1-2 more playthroughs which can cap out at maybe 15 hours total so I'm not a fan if this will be a beat-in-a-day game :/
Love the R&C series, but I'm skeptical about this one too.
@prime_l Pretty much. I learned my lesson from ps3. My fat ps3 died after 2 years (yet my original ps2 still runs just fine) and the graphics and stuff took awhile for people to master, so currently I will wait a few more years until I pick up a ps4. Besides, dont have the cash to drop $400, and it will be cheaper later
Alpr1010's comments