@Luizao2779 @rtircoklled Yeah. I stopped playing MW2 after only a few months and my friend was saying Blacks Ops was completely different, so I went ahead and bought it. Guess what? I didn't think it was any different. Later, he tries to convince me black ops 2 is totally different, awesome, 100x better than all other games, etc.... Fool me once....ok...fool me twice, not a chance.
I'm trying real hard to like the series. I finally got used to Witcher 1 then they changed everything in Witcher 2 so I didn't get very far and put it down, been meaning to give another try though.
@justin01 @Alpr1010 @Alves_19 Haha yeah. I couldn't play ME1 more than like 2 or 3 times because of the vehicles, but man did I play so much of Me2, but with Me3 I can't even play that now.
@Alves_19 I have over 400 hours in Oblivion, 600+ hours in Skyrim, 100+ hours in Dragon Age: Origins, 80+ hours in ME2, and about....20 hours in ME3. Know the difference? Elder scrolls is practically endless and there were enough ending changes in DA:O/ME2 that I WANTED to replay just to see what would happen.
What's wrong with ME3? 3 endings (well, 1 ending with 3 different color schemes) that all end 90% the same way. No point in replaying, trash. The ending ruined the whole game. I LOVED the game up until the ending. That 1% ruined the entire game for me.
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