Had things to do, figured I'd come back to see what you'd reply with during a break.
Both of my replies clearly placed the problem where it belongs: with Microsoft's PR trying to explain their product. As a customer, Microsoft needed to explain why their product and related policies would benefit ME. They failed miserably. It sounds like you agree with me there, which was the whole point of my replies. I don't know why you're acting like I need to "be prepared to be called on your assertions" when you're simply agreeing with what I posted. My assertions need no additional proof than what Microsoft themselves has presented - a disjointed, bad stream of maybes and assurances that things aren't as bad as they sound.
All the rest of the dribble has nothing to do with my replies to you. Don't lay them at my feet; go wage your crusade against the right people and continue feeding exactly the 2005 mentality you're rallying against.
Maybe you should look up the definition of a forum. They have been pretty important throughout history; internet forums are just a virtual extension of the idea.
Did you actually read what the guy said? He said the his professional experience with Microsoft was the worst during his career. He goes on to explain the limitations in the version of the OS that they have access to as devs. YOU latched on to the RAM part, not I.
Apparently your reading comprehension isn't the best, so I'll clarify what my last message was about. The problem with stories regarding the Xbox One is ***Microsoft's*** bad PR. If you show your customers a CLEAR, CONSISTANT, and COHERENT message then "lies" about your system would be easy to swat down as such. Why are negative stories rampant about their system and not being corrected well? Ask Microsoft.
TL;DR : Microsoft is your problem when it comes to negative stories regarding your favorite console. Talk to them.
That's why they booted him. So they can shift everything as if Mattrick was the only person in the whole company the somehow designed, built, and planned in implementing those policies. All changes came from getting crushed in early pre-order numbers.
If there was no Sony, this would not have happened. Not saying they're perfect, or that they're altruistic, just pointing out facts.
@Mista4oewun4oe @Earthen80 Sony also aired out pretty much everything regarding policies at or by E3 for the PS4. The fact that Microsoft is still having to trickle out all these changes over a month after E3 is sad.
@Zero_Nitrous @Alyzen My crazy guess is that they plan on making money selling anonymous rating information to cable companies. For instance Show A has an audience that is 45% between the ages 14-29 and of that number 61% are female.
That kind of information would be worth a lot of money.
I find it funny that they'll ditch the the bad DRM policies in a 24 hour period, but cling to the Kinect 2.0. Makes you wonder exactly why they won't let it go.
Alyzen's comments