Don't do it. I nearly bunked out of college but I got through it and am now at University and it's great seriously just stick it through it will pay off in the long run.
I thought the movie was really funny. But it got less funny as he got to California and became more serious. The end was pretty funny, however. Overall, the movie was really funny, but after watching it a second time, I didn't like it as much as the first viewing.videogamer456
yeah I agree. When I watched it the first time I thought it was really funny and great. Watched it a few times after and the novelty kinda wore off still pretty funny though
I personally think it's great news! Capom have obviously seen the success in which making games for the 360 has brought them such as lost planet so it only makes sense for them to make other games available to 360 gamers. I hope that it doesn't backfire and exclusives to us such as gears get ported to the PS3, which I doubt would happen.
Hi I am currently trying to create an xbox live account. I get as far as putting in my windows live ID details then it tries to sign in for a while but eventually says xbox live signup is currently unavailable. Anyone else having these problems? I've done the test connection and it passes everything so is the server down or could it be something else? Thanks for any help
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