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Lego Star Wars

Being as my former collection of games tended to revolve around the single player experience I rarely played games with my family. I remember one of my fondest memories being playing co-op in Contra with my dad on the NES. I wanted a game that would give me that feeling again, and I was able to find it in Lego Star Wars. I bought it yesterday and have been very much surprised with how good and fun it is. It reminds me a little of Contra, mainly about both characters being on the same screen at the same time and being to interact with one another in some way. Of course where in Contra the most you could do really was watch the back of the person you were playing with. In this game you can do much more. You can stop at any time and even fight one another which makes for a lot of fun and some interesting fights. This is definetely one of my favorite games and I will surely buy the newest Lego Star Wars. I hope that I am able to find some more games like this though.

Roles in Fun

I used to own a lot of games before, mainly RPG's for my PS2. A lot of times I would sit down and stare at the screen with the hours of total play time. It would be something like 40 hours, 60, maybe even 80. One day I was curious to how much play time I had gathered total and I was surprised. Not for the total time itself, but how I realized few of those hours were actually fun. I realized that I had in my collection of games very few that were actually fun. I played RPG's for the story, but people post a lot of in game cutscenes on sites like youtube. Sure I knew that the experience of level grinding made getting to those cutscenes that much more meaningful, but not enough to use up so much of my time for a few minutes of footage.
I took in all those RPG's that I could never bring myself to finish and sold them. With that I bought a DS Lite and I haven't ever had as much fun as I do now. It's ironic but Final Fantasy III is the exact type of RPG that I want now. One that I can play on the fly and play for a few minutes and then put it away. I finally got rid of the feeling I used to get while playing roleplaying games on consoles. That I had to keep going to finish the story, to level grind for another hour. But in portable form I can just turn on the system, and in less than a minute I'm in and playing. It don't feel as rushed. I really find that amazing.
I'll still have a place in my heart for those RPG's that can only be done on consoles, and you can bet I'll be there playing when one thatĀ peaks my curiosity and interest comes about.

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