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Back to work! Personal issues.

Hiya guys! I personally want to thank you for all of your kind responses, and personal conversations with me-it never goes unappreciated.

Okay, today was my first day back to work normally. I've got my uniform for McDonalds and I went to work today. :) For my first REAL official day I worked 7hours. I got a call this morning saying I was late to work at 7:30Am, I was scheduled to work from 9-4PM, so naturally I was a little freaked out. I was paranoid that I had miswrote the correct time. So I told her I was scheduled from 9-4PM, I told her I would be there on time. So I go there, and I find out someone made a mistake, so I was releived. I got situated back into a computer orientation, AGAIN! So I was REALLY, REALLY bummed I'd be stuck in one of those tin, uncomfortable chairs again. Well, careful what you wish for. They needed some more helpers out on the floor, so the Crew Trainer nabbed me, and I got hands on experience. I was the fry cook which is unusually stressful for about 2 hours, and then I went on a tiny break. I went back to work and someone had taken my spot, another new person named Meghan. I really like this girl, I could tell it was her first day too. I knew she was having a really tough time getting adjusted, so I was helping her out. (Little did I know this would gain me some brownie points with the bosses!) I got my name tag slapped onto me later on that day, and went and loaded the fry dispenser which was pretty booooooring. So when I got done with that I had to be placed somewhere to do work. I got the station next to Meghan who was still doing fries, I now was made deep fryer cook. I made McChickens, Crispy Chickens, Nuggets, and Chicken Selects. This was a little more complicated, however it kept me pretty busy all day. I was helping out Meghan who got occassionally overwhelmed. I watched the orientation films pretty closely, and my crew trainer did something he wasn't supposed to, he combined nuggets from another tray to a different. (He was cutting corners) I said: "I thought we weren't supposed to do that" Little did I know my new boss was standing right next to me, and he heard. I accidently got the Crew Trainer in trouble. However I do know that it can cause cross contamination. So my crew trainer left in a few hours, so I was under the jurisdiction of Pien my Manager which was pretty cool. She's an asian lady who's mild mannered and somewhat resembles most of the stereotypes of chinese ladies. I loved her accent, it was quite funny at times. She's an energentic woman who likes to play jokes, however I'm such a stiffler that I forget to laugh...Anyway when Meghan was getting off she complimented me to Pien that I was helping her, and Pien and the assistant Manager Bruce came over and thanked me personally. :) It made me feel really good, I was doing my fair share of responsibilities and more. I'm somewhat showing off, I want to give some of these lazy teen managers a run for their money. I've gotten promotions, raises, and bonus' before, I'm not going to let a group of drama queens outshine me- NO WAY! Anyway, I was really bummed that I got the Crew Trainer (Josh) in trouble, also he was kinda cute.

So now I am really bummed I work at McDonalds. I plan my life out accordingly, however it never seems to go the correct path. As my mom says: "You can plan your life out all you want honey, but god's going to send you down the path he wants, while laughing at your atempt to plan destiny."

Gathering My Thoughts

Hiya guys. As some of you know I am trying my hardest to get into a college. Lane County Community College is the one I want in, it's cheap, affordable, and has every class I need. With an affordable 75.40 per class credit I earn, it's very well in my budget. With my job I can afford it, however McDonalds is dicking around with me so it's taking forever to get my job up and going. I finally got my uniform yesterday, and I start work again on this Sunday. I know that the McDonalds I work at is full of lazy people, and a bunch of teenagers. They are a bunch of shurkers, so I'll move up real fast. Besides an 18 year old is a manager and still in college, what does that say? Anyway I failed two of the tests for college in the placement test, one I am studying for so I can retake. About 4/5ths of the people who go in fail the English Comprehension test, and the Advanced Math test. I failed both of these of course. :D The English Comprehension SHOULD be easy, however it is NOT. It is VERY hard, it has nothing to do with nouns, verbs, or adjetives rather than poetry, understanding undertones of the author, and hidden messages. It's actually VERY, VERY hard, and I have college level reading, I have since my Sophomore year in Highschool-I've always loved reading. However I tried to protest it saying I don't take tests very well, which is true; however they shot me down saying since I haven't been in any other college yet that I can't protest it. They think I'm some dumb retard who cannot get into a college, because I don't have a prior college experience....Which isn't fair since this is the only college I've tried to get in. The Math part is hard too, and most people fail it the first time. I failed because I hadn't had a math club in about 2 years, and I forgot the most advanced forms of it. However I can retake it which I will tomorrow, so I am study today REALLY hard; cramming four years worth of Math into a day is very hard. I just need to remember how to do advanced fractions, radicals, and learning how to calculate the area of shapes again. Anyway I might not be on as much as usual as I am trying to cram, I thought I'd let some of you know. I am probably going to have to stall getting into the college for another 3 months for when they hold entrance exams again, but this time I'll have money, and financial aid, plus I'll DEFINATELY be ready for the exams. I guess talking like this really clears my opique enigmatism, heh.

I am in a rut of depression at the moment, so I am trying to come out, please excuse me.

The New Job

I just started today at my new job at McDonalds. I am not happy or satisfied working there. I am not trying to sound snobby, but I am above working there. However money has been cut off since we moved, and I need to get my income flowing again. I've been having trouble finding a new job too. So today I went to orientation. The first manager I got was very nice, wore a pink manager shirt. She sat me down, and I filled out all the legal work. So she brings me to the Orientation Table, she pops in a CD and I am taken to the wonderful world of OBNOXIOUS, voice acting minigames. The games taught me about common sense, and cross contamination....I sat there for nearly 3 hours listening to some of THE WORST puns, jokes, and innuendo's EVER!!! However, when I finished she said she was going to send me home because they were overstaffed that day which was fine. However I asked to get my Uniform and of course the nice Manager is gone. Instead I get this horrid sailer slurring scumbag, who will only be known from the name Stephanie. I called her Steph once and she got angry at me, I'm like chill out, I didn't know you didn't like that name! She sure was a trip, and she never found the uniform the store owner left for me, even though she said she had left it. (Stephanie didn't want to be bothered) I didn't want to press my luck so I said to heck with it and left before I said a few choice words with little miss potty mouth. There! Got that out of my system!!!

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