Geez... We haven't seen much. We did see some snippets and they sure look a lot like Sticker Star, but maybe they changed the battle, like adding EXP. Besides: It cannot be worse that Paper Jam.
That being said: I did enjoy Sticker Star, even though the battles were just about money, rather than said EXP. I liked the world (it seemed to be the most "paperized" world in the series to me), the jazzy-music was awesome and battle with stickers added something new to the series. I do hope they added a little bit RPG to the Sticker Star-formula, but even without it I'm gonna give this a try for sure.
Not sure about Paper Mario, but I liked Sticker Star a lote more than Paper Jam, so I'm looking foreward to that. Maybe this time around battles do make a lot more sense after all?
Same goes for StarFox. So it's a "kinda remake" of the N64 game? Okay....
It's not a bad game, but it's one of the worst Zeldas for me. I like the dungeons - a lot - but that's it.
- The twilight realm comes short (i was expecting it to be like the dark world in "Link to the Past") - The music was not that overwhelming and mildly in the background - ... - And my biggest issue: It was way too much like OoT - it felt too familiar, while other Zeldas feel more unique to me.
Fair enough: It's just my POV. But I will pass on this.
>>Sony is supporting us to make a big game that's edgy with a strong story that gives the player a lot of freedom<<
I don't want freedom in a game, I want to experience a story!!! Look at MGSV. Sure, the "freedom" was great, but what was it good for? The whole story did lack because of way too much freedom!
AndreasRufus' comments