I wonder if Behemoth will reappear too. I mean the thing just WONT DIE lol. Seriously hasnt it been skulking around since Rondo of Blood? And Dracula's hair better be white....or at least silverish-grey.
Game of the Year: Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii Version). I was going to nominate Gears of War...but this game just knocked it outta the park for me. The graphics while not as technically impressive as other next-gen titles this year, are still very beautiful and follow a great art design (especially the bosses and the twilight realm itself). The music is just really uplifiting or tense depending on the situation. The overworld and boss themes are amazing, and you just feel like you accomplished something amazing when you hear Twilight Princess's victory fanfare (mostly plays after killing a boss or learning a new move). The controls feel really smooth, and theres nothing like playing like you're actually wielding a sword (no weak wrist waves for me!). And in all seriousness, at times the Twilight Realm feels and sounds like LoZ's version of Silent Hill...except minus the hellish scaryness.
One thing though, CV IV is on the JP list so we KNOW thats gonna be coming here sooner or later, and also I talked to the folks at Hudson via their forums, and they say Turbo DUO games appearing on the VC is a strong possibility, so you know that means we might finally be able to play Rondo of Blood. Konami and Hudson...c'mon make it happen!
I'll say this, it is pretty lame that they make people have to camp, but its not really gamers fault, or even the companies themselves. Consider this, a huge percent of Wii and PS3 campers were just looking forward to make a quick buck on Ebay/ any other way to sell it for dbl. the price. Also game stores are really starting to slack on the bonus preorder stuff. Sometimes they get it in...sometimes they dont...its just crazy. And after even ordering online, you still might get your bonus material smashed up. I was looking forward to that black box with the wax seal being perfectly intact...but when I got my order today, the box was all dented up. Luckly the contents on the inside were just fine, and the game itself was safe, being in that hard standard DS case. But still, this will make me weary of ordering online from EBgames/Gamestop and having it delivered by UPS. Even UPS tried to shaft me by telling me on the tracking site, it was rescheduled to monday delivery...but I called immediatly and got that straightened out. Maybe its because the Christmas season is here, and deliveries are getting hectic? I dunno...
Well what would be nice would be a really high res, 2d side scrolling castlevania, with maybe 3d backgrounds and characters, sorta like the play style of MMX8 or MMX: Maverick Hunter. As for the system, doesnt really matter to me, but didnt IGA say something about being intrested in the Wii?
Its between Symphony of the Night, Castlevania III, and Chronicles Remake. That might change since I just got PoR today via UPS (damn them for smashing my bonus box....sniff...at least everything inside the box was in good condition....) or once I get the change to play Rondo of Blood (c'mon Wii VC!) because listening to the 3 tracks from that on the 20th anni. CD, the music is pretty good.
Well at least the teaser poster does look nice...but I just hope that Konami at least gives it the Silent Hill treatment and makes some of the familiar monsters appear ( I better see Death!) and hopefully like Silent Hill, they will just use mostly music from the series. I dont think Konami will let them hurt it too bad though, I mean like stated previously, Silent Hill wasnt all that bad of a movie. The RE movies werent that bad, except for the whole matrix slo mo elements in them... then again RE4 has those moments left and right...
Oh also I only got the red ring once after a hard crash that day...but after that I never got the ring again. However my 360 kept freezing up that day while still keeping the normal green light and upper left quadrant green light on.
I'm trying this myself now...my 360 seemed to overheat the other day...and further more the 360 SHOULDNT need extra products to keep it cool. A consumer should be able to buy a 360 without worry that it will overheat, crash and mess up from normal use. I ended up reporting MS to the BBB over this (just bought my 360 in may, it was manufactured in april, and started acting wierd as of September 2).
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