Its the original PSone version though, not Saturn. Well maybe this will deliver Castlevania at its finest to some of the younger people/ People who never got the chance to play it. Heck, this brings hope for a new Castlevania title for the 360 (2d or 3d i'll take vania any way I can get it).
Though now as a CV fan, I dunno if I should buy it for the hell of it and have both the original and XBL versions, or just keep my original SOTN disc (non-greatest hits version). And wheres my Rondo of Blood damn it (or Castlevania Chronicles Vol.2, Iga said he would have wanted to make a second one in the video interview on the disc).Maybe the Wii will get Rondo of Blood on its Virtual Console since it was on the Turbo Duo/Turbo Graphix 16?Syrinx61
You definitely get the lollipop for the day- excellent find!! I'm going to be slightly embarrassed by saying that I'm really not that familiar with Xbox Live qualities (being that I'm not a wholehearted Xbox fan). I'm very glad to see some expansion, and I'm not surprised that they're doing it with this game. Hmmmm, you also brought up a good point about the SotN discs- the prices for them are beginning to skyrocket (like you I'm lucky to have both original and GH version), and I wouldn't be surprised to see more demands for the original if this gets hyped enough...
I would love to see Rondo of Blood on the backwards compatibility thing that the Wii is offering (being that it's a harder accessed game). Too bad Iga made it clear that no new games will be made for the Wii, but lets cross our fingers they bring a lot of older games back to it! :)
lol thanks :D figured i'd make my first post a good one (just joined the union last night, the thought just dawned on me to look for a Castlevania Union). And it could be the fact that 360 is really trying to get the jp audience this time around. Just hoping for a new next gen castlevania to also release on the 360 since I decided to go with 360 and Wii this gen. Still got my trusty DSlite though, so im waiting for PoR.
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