This is actualy my third blog and I feel like a rant.
Well I got six feet of snow outside and I'm just back from my bronze cross coarse (thats lifeguard coarse), I've got **** school teachers and um it's -40 outside, I've got no reason to be happy and when I look at the crap games they try to throw at us and expect us to lower our standards I'm revolted. Do all the big copanies have some kind of agreement like the gas places that if they sell us expensive crap we might stop realising how much of a terd they sold us. The theory I came up with is; theres three big laws for game companies
1 Pitful; bad ideas=bad games you should been a lawer like your mummy said you should.
2 Very Pitful: big game companies like EA and Ubisoft try to make us buy their mass produced atrocities for 60$.
3 Epic: Companies that makes less games but when they do it owns, named after the creaters of UT and GOW.
It's pretty sad that most 'Epic' games are exclusives, I see a patern. There are so many good ideas that are poorly exicuded in the industry. As consumers we get raped royaly.
On a differante suject; achiements. The addicting fenomina. I can't stand a humain being using this argument (I have 20000Gs because I don't suck at games.) Wow dude nice point, real clever. We all know your mommy buys you a new realease dayly and you beat the game the way they want you to to unlock Gs, you killed your game experience, now you'll want another one right? Yeah stuff your gamerscore up your ***. It's nice to know you can do 15 rolls in a car but I can still kick your ass.
Achiement junkies are indentifiable by certain factor:
1. a clear lack of any knowledge in the field of personal hygene.
2. a chin generaly above the ears unless you kicked him in the troat recently.
3. conversations only about achiements, mostly unexisting ones.
4. wears uniform spagetti sause sained wal-mart tee shirts
5. plays EA games.
6. likes cake over pie.
7. aspires to be an MLG because of his 30 000Gs.
8. walks around talking to 10 real people so he can get 'I'm not a socisl looser.' achiement witch sadly he never will.
That about sums it up for my hate of achiements.
The greatest mystery of the universe; why does a buttered toast always land butter side down?
If I were to tape a buttered toast to a cat (who always falls on his legs) will creat a anti-gravity mschine? or will it fall sideways.
Like always, please check the two posts under, I write a lot at once.
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