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Angry_Bosmer Blog

MSI GX 740 and Dreamcast

So I bought a MSI GX740 laptop about three months ago so I can finally have a respectable gaming PC. Specs;

-Intel Core i5 2.27ghz

-Ati Radeon HD5870

-DDR3 4Gb

-Sata 320gb

-17'' 1680x1050

-5 speakers (awesome)

Kicking back with some Crysis, Sins and Hawx. Time I buy newer games.


Also won a Dreamcast. 2 controlers a ton of vmus. Shenmue, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Soulcalibur, Resident Evil Code Verinica and about 20 other awesome games.

One of the best consoles I ever owned

Hey guys I'm back

So its been a year since I stormed off this site and looking back at my posts god I didnt even deserve to be part of this community. Anyway refined my ways a bit and was hoping to start updating again. Anyhow I havent been gaming alot but played Rome total war throughout the summer. Realy epic game. I'll try to post a review in the near future so I can share my sheer awe in regards to this classic. I have undusted my genesis and played some phantom 2010 and um... Shaq Fu (its not that bad of a game although total rediculous in the fact that it takes itself seriousl) recently and aded a few titles to my genesis library. Got a copy of Mortal Kombat (kind of primitive but its alright), Risky Woods (that game is evil), Comix Zone (alright but the one life and no continues thing makes platforming frustrating) and finaly Shinobi 3 (just awesome, cant believe i found a copy let alone payed 5$ for it). Gotta love pawn shops. People selling games and dont know there proper worth. Been biding around for a dreamcast on ebay been looking to get ahold of Segas last try in the hardware market. It such a sad story. Anyway hey update me on what you were doing for the last year?

MSI wind, my new handheld.

I got my first one in may but it broke because I OCed it so now I got my working one two months ago and can saftly say its the best thing I ever got myself. I use it all the time. It cant be explained how a gamer's lifestyle can be enhanced with a netbook. I laugh at your pettylaptops that weigh more than my dog. Unless its got a 8600 or better in it then you kick ass but still need a netbook. I undusted Morrowind and got Dawn of war for it. They run nicely. Also I've been playing some intense Liberal Crime Squad and Dwarf Fortress, freeware from Bay 12 games. There uber complex and take a while to learn. LCS is unforgiving but relativly simple. About 3 hours of learning. Dwarf Fortress requiers the wiki and about 48 hours of learning but its a rewarding game. DF takes a suprising amount of CPU power so expect lags.

Recent Blog down there.

Are sequals all that bad?

I watch a lot of zero punctuation and I heard Yathzee complain about the last three E3s about how all games are sequels. For once I disagree with that comment. I mean its not as if companies were creative but when a good consept commes out its rarly executed right so why try to comme up with new ones when the intial was fine. I played Mass Effect, and loved the concept and world but Bioware just didn't nail that one (no more vehicul section, in ANY game ecept racing games, gta, halo and UT (because they know what to do with it)). I'm looking forward to Mass Effect 2 because I know that they'll fix that not being EA. Wait doesn't EA own Bioware... ah f*ck it theyre Canadian so thus awesome. It lets develepers polish there ideas to make a better product. Gemes like GTA SAcome from experence with GTA3 and VC. I didn't like GTA4 it fealt like a step back from Rockstar. Gears 2, Assassin Creed 2 ( the first was such a good example of 'good idea, bad exacution' that even if the game is a quarter as good as the preview than it'll be a sucess),Naruto broken bond (its a good fighting game and well the show is kind of entertaining). Of corse devs then to try new things in sequels the please the crowds but then they end up at square one were the game news polish. The worst atrocities happen when develepers change like. Call of duty 3-4-5 were atrocities churmed up by Treyarch to scrap our Call of duty 2. Far Cry 2 wasn't as fun as I convinced myself it was. It just wasnt a Crytek game.

More games should be realsed as expancion packs or like ad-ons since they could tweak parts of the game to make a better total realease.

Halo screens and Red vs Blue

I through a few Halo 3 screesns in a Halo album if you want to check it out.

I'm either the Yellow guy or the scout helmet guy.


Red vs blue has new episodes. Reconstrution's sequeal: Relocation follows up on the epiloge in Reconstrutions last episode. More random adventures from the worst soldiers ever.


1 It has come to this. My PC runs on garbage.2 Halo. 3 Achiements=$

This isnt some ecological revolution in witch my PC is powered by burning celerons (ah sweet smell)... what was i saying... oh yeah. With all the **** break downs I had last year ( PSU after PSU) here is the coup de grace; my 200$ (realy thats what its worth) Asus P4P800 fried draging my P4 3Ghz and 1 gig of DD2 400mhz RAM down with it. I guess its my fault because prior to that I tried to OC my RAM but of coarse it only happened because they were old... Ok its my fault so what?I'm 16 and I can still pity my parents into paying for the repairs. I lost my job what do you want me to do, damn the global ecomy going to hell.

Anyway,its been fixedlast weekend (been broken since december). Now I have a 1.5Ghz sempron and 512mb of RAM (why couldnt it die protecting my 1 gig). I HATE THIS RUBBISH!!! Whydo I still get my PC fixed by other people? I could get better stuff a sempron and a mobo shouldnt cost 60$ but since im not paying i cant do itmy way. I've been playing colinization(1950s edition) and Fallout 2, thats how much it sucks.I not even bothering setting my PC up because I just dont care anymore, my only worthwile part (my gpu) will die probly next week so it doesnt matter.

Everthing in the PC univers is cheap and breaks. I was forced to cut corners all my life but no more, this time Im going for good stuff ALL new building it myself and getting lifetime warrenties and the best brands.

Oh yeah and Im never OCing again it costed me 500$ over the year to get my 0.6ghz that btw in benchs wasnt there.


Oh and I got Halo 3. The fedx guy is cheap I get it 1 day before I leave on vacation so I was playing intensly for 12 hours, 8 on matchmaking, I was kind of sucking that day (sensitivity at 10 woups) so I played on training, I feel bad killing a total stranger to the game. The dudes walking along not looking at his radar and bam assasanation. I feel like a dirt bag after so I kind of spend my time dual the major with a noob account so he can feel better about himself buy destroying less experienced players. Its fun to piss them off by winning. But beware I have little pitty for anyone in a ranked match. I made sergent in 8 hours, not bad.


Am I the only one that realiased? Achiements makes you buy more games.

Some will say ah buy it extense replayability, yeah but once! Don't you see most people will play through game the achiement gathering way and then... well I got all the achiements I dont need to play anymore. You then buy more games. I realized this by talking with gamewarrior the other day;

he was talking about how xbox was boring now he done everything and wii keeped being fun. I noticed that with PC too. I played through Crysis a dozen times and still enjoy the moments, when I never replayed a level of Gears or Far Cry for the fun of it, I played the game maybe twice to get all achiements thats it. After that its off to the store to buy s new realese.


BTW I ordered the new fire emblem for DS, looking forward to it.

3 Blogs in 6 hours, I'm on a roll! (This is a triple blog so five in a day.)

This is actualy my third blog and I feel like a rant.

Well I got six feet of snow outside and I'm just back from my bronze cross coarse (thats lifeguard coarse), I've got **** school teachers and um it's -40 outside, I've got no reason to be happy and when I look at the crap games they try to throw at us and expect us to lower our standards I'm revolted. Do all the big copanies have some kind of agreement like the gas places that if they sell us expensive crap we might stop realising how much of a terd they sold us. The theory I came up with is; theres three big laws for game companies

1 Pitful; bad ideas=bad games you should been a lawer like your mummy said you should.

2 Very Pitful: big game companies like EA and Ubisoft try to make us buy their mass produced atrocities for 60$.

3 Epic: Companies that makes less games but when they do it owns, named after the creaters of UT and GOW.

It's pretty sad that most 'Epic' games are exclusives, I see a patern. There are so many good ideas that are poorly exicuded in the industry. As consumers we get raped royaly.


On a differante suject; achiements. The addicting fenomina. I can't stand a humain being using this argument (I have 20000Gs because I don't suck at games.) Wow dude nice point, real clever. We all know your mommy buys you a new realease dayly and you beat the game the way they want you to to unlock Gs, you killed your game experience, now you'll want another one right? Yeah stuff your gamerscore up your ***. It's nice to know you can do 15 rolls in a car but I can still kick your ass.

Achiement junkies are indentifiable by certain factor:

1. a clear lack of any knowledge in the field of personal hygene.

2. a chin generaly above the ears unless you kicked him in the troat recently.

3. conversations only about achiements, mostly unexisting ones.

4. wears uniform spagetti sause sained wal-mart tee shirts

5. plays EA games.

6. likes cake over pie.

7. aspires to be an MLG because of his 30 000Gs.

8. walks around talking to 10 real people so he can get 'I'm not a socisl looser.' achiement witch sadly he never will.

That about sums it up for my hate of achiements.


The greatest mystery of the universe; why does a buttered toast always land butter side down?

If I were to tape a buttered toast to a cat (who always falls on his legs) will creat a anti-gravity mschine? or will it fall sideways.


Like always, please check the two posts under, I write a lot at once.

Xbox 360; LAN parties

As much as all console players will say; ah there's nothing more fun than siting on a couch with one-three friends playing split screen is fun. How about getting 5 friends, three TVs and Xbox 360s, a router, a giant bucket of popcorn and a bottle of Cuban rum/vodka, or if that is unavailable a sufficient amount of cafinated sugar (pepsi) to avoid several days of sleep. That's a formula for a awesome party, assuming one of you will loose dignity and sing like a girl in guitar hero so you can taunt him when you stick him in halo 3 or chainsaw dual him in Gears 2 (ah good times).

Any one else have similar parties?


In the event of constant chainsaw duals, make the opponent get tried by letting him win a couple than destroy him when tired every-time. Making him laugh at a dangerous rate can also assure he'll give up, I know I've been through both of them. I had none of the crossed swords achievement progression and after 10 rounds I had it.

This blog has been aded over 'Gears of War 2: Locust Origins Theory' witch you should check out.


Gears of War 2: Locust Origins Theory

In the conclusion of the first game the locust queen mentions that humanity has brought this war upon itself. I first thought that the over mining of imulsion pissed the locust off while that is still possible the events at New Hope research facility point to something else. After reading the collectibles of that level and the dialog I came to this conclusion:

The locust are experiments gone wrong.

But under their pissed off nature they may only be vengeful.

The fact that New Hope was only declassified recently points to that being the chairman's dirty little secret; he knows the origins of the war. Why Delta squad was sent there, was probably desperate need of intel. They say that they were trying to cure a sickness. They were holding people against their will, a bit like Island. They did tests on them to alter there genetics to make a super-species. I think they where trying to cure cancer with imulsion-therapy, thus mutating the victims into locust and torturing them horribly. It might also be to create a superhumain army in the pendulum wars.

Niles mentions his incursion in the mountains, he probably brought the original locust with where they escaped into the hollow, pissed off and wanting to revenge on humanity for there suffering explaining what they did to Tai, Maria and all the other prisoners. The sires are the left over locust who without supervision since Niles probably never came back from the mountains, continued to mutate into what we chainsawed through.

Another question was why the Locust queen seemed humain? I believe that she was a New Hope employee who freed to locust. After reading Dr Stephanie Zimmer's journal it might be remotely possible that she is the queen, but Zimmer seemed to rather leave than do something.

To sum it up simply; the locust are test subjects of a crazy scientist, who escape because of an employee that now leads them. They are pissed off at humanity and want to make them feel like them.


Catch me playing Far Cry 2 ranked matches on Xbox 360.