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Anime-Alchemist Blog

I am still sick.

God damnit! First week back at school, and I miss out on my new electives because I'm sick! >_> I keep waking up with a temperature of around 39-39.5 (40 is hospitalisation)

Love has made me ill.

The past week, I have gone to bed god knows what time of the morning, and getting up god knows what time of the morning. This doesn't include one all-nighter, and staying up to 3:30am, and getting up at 5:30! (Thanks for that Trunks [Not his fault])

Don't get me wrong, I love being in love, and I was only staying up 'til that ridiculous hour so that I can talk to a certain somebody in my life. And I'm not complaining about doing this either. Just warning everyone that I might lash-out and bite you (Forums wise)

How is everybody? :? :S

New MSN!

Hey all! I just thought I'd tell everyone tht I have a new MSN!

Add me if ya want!

I now believe there is a God.

Never believed it before. But after what's been happening to me lately, and when I look back over my childhood, I think that he is looking out for me or something. I dunno. If you want details as to why I believe this all of a sudden, PM me. (This doesn't mean I'm religious!)

A new found hatred for EB Games + new video games and YGO deck

OK, I officially hate EB Games now. Sure, they were rip-offs before, but now I hate them even more. First of all, I had Star Wars: Knights of the Old Rebublic II: Sith Lords, on layby there, and they sold it to someone else! GOD DAMNIT! Also, I payed a $50 deposit on Sonic and the Secret Rings when I bought my Wii, and they forced me to pay full price! God Damnit! I will f*cking stab you EB Games people! >_>

On another note, I now have two new video games. I bought Sonic and the Secret Rings (On the Wii), and Timesplitters Future Perfect on XBOX. They are both awesome, I don't care what you people think!

Also, I've started construction on my second deck. It's a Crystal Beast deck, built after I notcied how awesome both them and Johan (Jesse Anderson in the dub) are!

Anyway, have fun, and I'll speak to you guys later, 'til then, BYE!