NYPost says retailers to abandon HD-DVD http://www.nypost.com/seven/03082007/entertainment/blu_ray_ascending_entertainment_lou_lumenick.htm?page=1 What is your take on this?
If you live in Toronto try Canada Computers. canadacomputers.comThe short hdmi cables cost around 30 bux i think.
i was going to pickup virtua tennis but i was put off when i found out that it has no online component. smooooth sega. real smooth.
http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=ps3&thread.id=14848http://kotaku.com/gaming/top/rumor-proof-home-is-no-ripoff-242872.phpApperantly there was a post on the PS boards back in 2005 that talked about sony creating a 3d mmorpg world for PS3.
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