Diablo 2 is a fantastic rpg, its online is a blast as well.Frenzyd109Disagree. It's mindless hack'n'slash. For an experience more up your alley, try Planescape: Torment.
Ansidion's forum posts
The law is to blame here for this problem. Piracy can be beaten with a harsher view, Imagine you got ten years in jail if you got caught with pirated goods. That would solve the problem very well indeed.JOEPEACHInteresting reasoning. We should similarly solve thievery by lopping off the right hand of any thief caught. We should deal with illegal parking by confiscating and selling the car. And let's stop burglary once and for all by giving such criminals life in prison. Most civilized societies have legal systems that dole out punishment that is proportionate to the crime committed. The day we start punishing petty video game piracy with 10-year sentences is the day we move closer to a police state.
I think Unreal tournament 3 is somewhat underappriciated.
The campaign for that had next to no point. It was just going around killing soldiers, capturing flags, and linking up nodes. Hearing "Kill Streak" and "Ultra Kill" every minute made it seem that the game wasn't very mature either. And for being a multiplayer game, it is quite bad community wise, for being so small. Yes, UT3 was underwhelming. Its levels were awe-inspiring at times in terms of graphical design. Other than that, the game didn't hold much appeal for me.
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