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#1 Anti-Gamer
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts

[QUOTE="Anti-Gamer"] No its not. SH have a dark story, while Lo doesn't. The only thing i see in common is the overwhelming humour. Maybe from the SH team, but feel more like a FF game.Vandalvideo
The Mako reactor scene is simlar, but the battle system (IE Judgement ring) and humour lean more towards SH.

yeah, i edited my post before you posted. The battle system seems more like legend of dragoon battle system, though. and 1000 years of dream seems familiar to that side quest in ffx(where u have to collect movies to learn about the past).

Edit; lost odyssey feels more like a final fantasy game than a shadow hearts game. "

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#2 Anti-Gamer
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts

I don't think that FF games are overrated except for a few occasions but that most JRPGs are underrated because they doesn't have FF in the name. Final Fantasy games are almost always pure quality but it feel like they get the scores because of the level of hype and not the games quality itself. Why didn't LO get AA when this got AAA? No I'm not hating on the game I'm currently loving it but I can't seem to grasp why LO didn't get a better score when they both are almost the same in quality? IMO. Vandalvideo
Lost odysse felt like FFVII, and FFX(not story-wise). It just felt like a final fantasy game, that's why i think it got 7.5 . It didn't try to show jrpg fans that's it is its own game, that's why persona 3 gotten an 8.5, because their no other game like that. Folklore gotten a 7.0 because gamespot hates game republic.

Lost Odyssey is more similar to Shadow Hearts than it is Final Fantasy.

No its not. SH have a dark story, while Lo doesn't. The only thing i see in common is the overwhelming humour. Maybe from the SH team, but feel more like a FF game.

Edit; at the begining ofthe game, you have to blow up an reactor, similiar to ffvii. 1000 years of dream is also similiar to ffx, learning about kaim past.

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#3 Anti-Gamer
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[QUOTE="Anti-Gamer"][QUOTE="too_much_eslim"][QUOTE="Anti-Gamer"]We need more information on the story, is it going to be random battle? I dislike random /w action battle it ruins the experince. It's speculation if its coming in summer 2008, very misleading topc title.too_much_eslim
No it isn't random battles. You see the enemy. Sometimes though they can ambush you and just didn't see them coming. Did you read the info there?

I just hate random battle with those type of battle system. SE needs to show some gameplay videos.

I understand check out the oxm website you might be able to get more info there.

Edited too slow! As in no random battle. Is it like grandia, and blue dragon where the enemies/monster walk up to you and battle start?

Edit: They dont got alot info on the OXM site.

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#4 Anti-Gamer
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts
[QUOTE="spinecaton"]Summer US? That isn't too far away and there is barely any information on the game itself.too_much_eslim
Maybe a lot of info will pop up in late April early may.

He's right, barely no information, no gameplay video. Change your topic title to rumour: OMG Infinite Undiscovery (360 exclusive JRPG) coming out Summer 2008
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#5 Anti-Gamer
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts
[QUOTE="Anti-Gamer"]We need more information on the story, is it going to be random battle? I dislike random /w action battle it ruins the experince. It's speculation if its coming in summer 2008, very misleading topc title.too_much_eslim
No it isn't random battles. You see the enemy. Sometimes though they can ambush you and just didn't see them coming. Did you read the info there?

I just hate random battle with those type of battle system. SE needs to show some gameplay videos.

Edit: Yes, i read the info, do they mean it's like blue dragon, grandia, where the enemies see you and the walk up to you, then battle start?
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#6 Anti-Gamer
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts

I don't think that FF games are overrated except for a few occasions but that most JRPGs are underrated because they doesn't have FF in the name. Final Fantasy games are almost always pure quality but it feel like they get the scores because of the level of hype and not the games quality itself. Why didn't LO get AA when this got AAA? No I'm not hating on the game I'm currently loving it but I can't seem to grasp why LO didn't get a better score when they both are almost the same in quality? IMO. JLF1
Lost odysse felt like FFVII, and FFX(not story-wise). It just felt like a final fantasy game, that's why i think it got 7.5 . It didn't try to show jrpg fans that's it is its own game, that's why persona 3 gotten an 8.5, because their no other game like that. Folklore gotten a 7.0 because gamespot hates game republic.
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#7 Anti-Gamer
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts
We need more information on the story, is it going to be random battle? I dislike random /w action battle it ruins the experince. It's speculation if its coming in summer 2008, very misleading topc title.
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#8 Anti-Gamer
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts
Suikoden 2 may just be one game, but it represents a problem that encompasses the entire JRPG franchise ranging from Shadow Hearts, Wild Arms, Star Ocean, Lunar Silver Star Story, Shadow Madness, and many many more. There are tons of criminally underrated JRPG games out there that are far more innovative than Final Fantasy could ever even begin to drream of being. As far as Suikoden 3 goes, it was the sell out game. It started to become more like the Square titles and suddenly it gets a great score? Suikoden 2 is the unclaimed best game in the franchise, and is a bastion of JRPG games. It represents the bigotted nature of the reviewing community at large better than any game can. The reviewing commuinity isn't JRPG lovers, and they often criminally underrate games that are far better than Final Fantasy. Welcome to the fact of the genre. Many fans of the genre realize this, and if you were a true fan like myself you would too. Vandalvideo
Valda speaks the truth, most jrpg are underrated. Especially megaten games and wild arms. Jrpg fans don't care too much about reviews/scores though(as usual, jrpg will be underrated).
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#9 Anti-Gamer
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Speaking of Fable 2 I havent seen a hype thread created for it in a few days (thankfully)

What gives?

Saolin gotten suspended.
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#10 Anti-Gamer
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts
Fine then, if you want to play that game, lets compare the reviewing community to the actual people who played the game. There are over 55 written reviews for Suikoden 2 on this site and an innumerable ammount of ratings by players. Out of all those ratings, the player review for the game Suikoden 2 is 9.4 thats a far cry from the 7.6 from gamespot and the 8.1 from the review community at large. This tells me a few things about the review community. Not only are they bigoted about Square titles like Final Fantasy, but they came into the genre with Final Fantasy. The people who thing Final Fantasy is the greatest thing since sliced bread probably haven't even played most of the great JRPG out there. If I told you to tell me who the main character of Koudelka was could you do it? Probably after you spent five minutes going to wikipedia. Thats the problem with the JRPG reviewing community. They came into the genre with Final Fantasy, and they have an obvious pre-dispoistion to the franchise. Now compared to the people who actually play a plethora of JRPGs, they rated Suikoden 2 as a 9.4, and many people are calling it "One of [if not the best] JRPG of all time". Such a far cry from mediocirity as portrayed by the other review sites.Vandalvideo
Final fantasy vii is my first jrpg.