It happens to every console, dont get excited about it lol.Besides, the 360 will have Forza 3 and Halo, and already had Halo Wars which is an awesome game.
Wow, I hope they make a new Elder Scrolls series... with much better voices and less glitches. I CANT WAIT.
I cant believe this game is coming out... Ive sold my ds 3 times, and I think Im buying another one...
I'm definately gettin FF13 and Dantes Inferno, God of War 3 and The Last Guardian.Other games I might get are Bioshock2 and The White Knight Chronics~~~
.Pokemon Stadium Series.Bomberman 64-hero-second atack.Ogre battle.Mischief Makers.Perfect Dark.Golden eye series o/....Yesh i know I'm dreaming to much....
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