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ApolloAegis Blog

Did I win? 2010 Recap.

I figured I post my end of the year blog early since I am about to get busy with finishing my undergraduate studies (even though I am a third year this is the final push year.) Recap of 2010 on a personal level... This year I lost track of who I was when spending day after day working my mind and body to the ground. I am sorry that realizing this came to late to those you needed me, forgive my absence mind on those times. However at least I have secured some of my personal goals like accomplishing new relations with certain groups to allow expendiancy within the medical technology I seek to develop and produce. As well as, reaching the tenth level of master at a record age for the art, the youngest Grandmaster in History for the Hussar Main Style is quiet an accomplishment since its never been done before. Again thanks for any and all help big and small since each piece was need for the puzzle.

Now on the topic of games and entertainment, its nice to see the reversion from poor role models and picking appearance and marketing over talent within the industries outside Gaming however inside gaming I still believe 2010 quick released ... prematurely even many titles to continue series. Some were banking off the title others were super expansions too much for DLCs introducing and reintroducing elements into games and making the games more social. Which maybe the future of gaming. In sports this year is less than spectacular with American College footballs inconsistancy, on the bright side for the NHL the Chicago Blackhawks are champs which makes me happier then the bluebirds in the morning (whatever that means), Inter Milan wins so YEA! All other sports have had a so-so season for my interest which is declining like water in a unplugged sink. In global affairs I think this year shows that China's ignorance for trade regulation instills anger among everyone, tyrants have come out to make statements of poor judgement on their part, ignorance still rules general opinion on political matters (GO OBAMA), religions are heating each other over technically nothing failing their own designed instruments of piety and spreading ignorance (if you want fairness in religion and governing then treat each other the same, and Medicine is still winning with improvements and market potential, the recession in america has disappeared but growth is still stagnant well mostly since industry is more global and requires global responses ... and we're all doomed to fight our own consciousness on moral matters of Global Humane Response ... situations like Haiti (and the Cholera situation in late 2010) the fact is the investments other countries are making including the US are substantial considering were in problems with money like most nations and while we should think about our selves the good in us doesn't divide through grouping and acts as if we're all one... however the disease that spreads through the nation is an example of where charity needs to end... it pains me seriously to say this but this is cause do to growing numbers of people and no resources its that simply... like all species we have limits of growth until we can find away around them... which we shouldn't ever give up on but we need to practical... Haiti knew of this disease spreading but failed to act accordingly ... if they don't learn proper containment of this issue on their own no one can save them.. while its cruel this is an example to the world that simply good will alone needs tough love too... its why communism fails ... if you want something its best and most successful for the self to act. And thats why I acted the way I did this year even though for some people closer to me they know the fool prevailed for me to serve others in a time of their need hurting myself... o well thats this last year in a nutshell. And a valued philosophic view on its lessons.

Category is humor cause its all so simply and short on paper.

Ah... Playtime is over. Seriously.

After around a year and a half of slight advancements in my works, someone caught on that I haven't been acting seriously in my life everyday... taking it easy as it would be. Well, well then I guess its time I redeem the path of my old self. Since I have hid from who I am to enjoy the splendars of life. First by resuming by completing stage one of the memorization BCI transfer tech, second resuming my role in the top leaders of free weapon style martial arts, and finely by taking an active role as the family head. Darn and I just when it was getting fun... its true then that I was purposely using devices to hold myself back including chemical, physical, and time-wise means. Hard to believe but I wanted to see how normality was. In the end the stagnation of this lifestyle and the appeal to ignorance actively creating a cognitive dissonance that ate away at this act. I issue this in a blog to alert those to who thought they new me and those who've ascetained certain expectations as to my psychology that your ideas are sadly complacent and now I resume the role for which I yearn for... Despite my love for this world I found myself at a young age confused to its suffering being a member of a upper class family I had two choices to live in ignorance and expand my families empire or to explore that which I would ignore, to take interest in that which I love, that is of course this world. Sorry to those who've accustomed to my laid back roles and jokes. I've decieved you... It showed multiple times in deep emotional rants to where I couldn't contain my thoughts. I am no Companion... I have always sought that which my name represents... One who guides others with the light and stands to lead fourth protecting those who follow... a leader. At least for the time being...

LIKE MY NEW AVATAR HEHEHEHE... Madness cause sanity is overrated! fooled you or did I? Which is the guise which is the me and the falsity. The illusion and the sun. Well to those who know my identity in person I think you know.

P.S. I am taking a break from GS.

IAM Clan Re-Retires

With a final week of 3 wins we end our conquest of the gaming nerd kingdom with 117 victories and 0 losses with 1 withdrawal (couldn't find our team to connect) in team play. And 38-0 with 2 withdrawals in 1v1 s including my epic 1v5. Withdrawal is that a name for leaving cause your losing no its called leaving cause we're not playing under the map or in my 2 cases violating rules set fourth like using a Big Daddy Suit and turrets (bioshock 2) From Counter Strike and Wolfenstein (xbox) to the late titles and early titles of 2009-2010. From our first win as a official clan versus VE to our toppling of ToXic for #1 for a week in COD:WAW or our beat down of the Canadian IAM. Players from the US to our friends in Japan are hanging up the towel cause well we're sick of campers, foul mouths, and hate mail. We'll still play friendly matches or non-serious games and chill in chat but no more will I or my team "Light the Up" POSSUM! Goodbye and thanks to all the classic matches we had.

Finally Results

I realize its been a while since I have gone on a complete review/blogging rant on my and IAM outlets... well I have finally made some substantial progress on my personal research and activities to a secure level and will now dedicate a week to anyone following or accidently finding my work... and yes friends too.

Games getting to easy and too quick.

Recently I played through Dragon Age Awakening, Bioshock 2, and Mass Effect 2 for both games as my achievements show I complete nearly everything but hard playthroughs combined with 24 hours 8 hours each I had 90%-100% of all the achievements and beat the entire game. Then to go on further for online for Bioshock 2 a total of 7 hours were spent and I have achieved level 33 of 50 in experience. WOW the 14 hrs of gameplay seems to be a lie for players who are versed in play. I mean for 60 USD I expect at least 60 hours of fun. Am I alone with this? I mean all these games are early 2010 I hope we aren't getting a trend here.

IAM anime?!?

Alright to anyone reading this on any forums: should the IAM website start anime reviews and posts or will it be considered "super nerdy"! Little bit cautious despite our small belief from a few members that anime (not pokemon we ain't that bad ) is good for creative ideas aside from tv and ( personally martial arts ) to improve our thought processes. Since two of the founders favor the idea of another audience to improve our community.

And Apollo returns to shed some light.

Alright, alright. I have long stood silent in the entertainment industry sitting by watching and studying medicine for a double major and minor. But Now Winter Break is here, and I have noticed a lot of lazy people within the IAM clan in bringing comedy/fun to our viewers and stupid, arrogant, and illogical comments left on my messages. So I have made a choice to do a flush on IAM projects. Now not saying some good has happened but some people/issues need to be put down. The best method being a restructuring of everything and returning to "light up" some fools talking (CENSORED) reminding them we not competitive and play for fun but were not taking some nerd's attempt to gain more nerd power by insulting us. SO YES WE'RE BACK TO SHOW WHY WE ARE or kinda were CONSIDERED GODLIKE.

Delay of website!

Circumstances of the previous week will delay the websites final production. Now I apologize but who would have thought I would have to stop a blade and get an infection in my left hand. Just righting this brings me pain, literally.

Slowing down usage on all external contacts...

Well my first semester of college is over but that doesn't mean free-time increases it mean more gaming and sumer work, sorry to all my fans or friends. I do ensure though that the website is still on schedule in fact on May 12, 2009 all four IAM clan creators will be meeting to finalize scheduled reviews and subjects.

Updates on I.A.M. Website and Contact Information

The I.A.M. website is still scheduled for completion on June 30th, 2009. However a few ideas were discussed and more videos about personal philosophies, and music reviews/suggestions will be added. This is mainly due to one of are main members being a music guru and to better get to know the members behind the website. These new additions won't slow the completion of the website.
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