I figured I post my end of the year blog early since I am about to get busy with finishing my undergraduate studies (even though I am a third year this is the final push year.) Recap of 2010 on a personal level... This year I lost track of who I was when spending day after day working my mind and body to the ground. I am sorry that realizing this came to late to those you needed me, forgive my absence mind on those times. However at least I have secured some of my personal goals like accomplishing new relations with certain groups to allow expendiancy within the medical technology I seek to develop and produce. As well as, reaching the tenth level of master at a record age for the art, the youngest Grandmaster in History for the Hussar Main Style is quiet an accomplishment since its never been done before. Again thanks for any and all help big and small since each piece was need for the puzzle.
Now on the topic of games and entertainment, its nice to see the reversion from poor role models and picking appearance and marketing over talent within the industries outside Gaming however inside gaming I still believe 2010 quick released ... prematurely even many titles to continue series. Some were banking off the title others were super expansions too much for DLCs introducing and reintroducing elements into games and making the games more social. Which maybe the future of gaming. In sports this year is less than spectacular with American College footballs inconsistancy, on the bright side for the NHL the Chicago Blackhawks are champs which makes me happier then the bluebirds in the morning (whatever that means), Inter Milan wins so YEA! All other sports have had a so-so season for my interest which is declining like water in a unplugged sink. In global affairs I think this year shows that China's ignorance for trade regulation instills anger among everyone, tyrants have come out to make statements of poor judgement on their part, ignorance still rules general opinion on political matters (GO OBAMA), religions are heating each other over technically nothing failing their own designed instruments of piety and spreading ignorance (if you want fairness in religion and governing then treat each other the same, and Medicine is still winning with improvements and market potential, the recession in america has disappeared but growth is still stagnant well mostly since industry is more global and requires global responses ... and we're all doomed to fight our own consciousness on moral matters of Global Humane Response ... situations like Haiti (and the Cholera situation in late 2010) the fact is the investments other countries are making including the US are substantial considering were in problems with money like most nations and while we should think about our selves the good in us doesn't divide through grouping and acts as if we're all one... however the disease that spreads through the nation is an example of where charity needs to end... it pains me seriously to say this but this is cause do to growing numbers of people and no resources its that simply... like all species we have limits of growth until we can find away around them... which we shouldn't ever give up on but we need to practical... Haiti knew of this disease spreading but failed to act accordingly ... if they don't learn proper containment of this issue on their own no one can save them.. while its cruel this is an example to the world that simply good will alone needs tough love too... its why communism fails ... if you want something its best and most successful for the self to act. And thats why I acted the way I did this year even though for some people closer to me they know the fool prevailed for me to serve others in a time of their need hurting myself... o well thats this last year in a nutshell. And a valued philosophic view on its lessons.
Category is humor cause its all so simply and short on paper.
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