ArabianKnight14's forum posts
Whats happening to videogames now is the same thing that happened to rock&roll,R-rated action movies,gangsta rap etc.
Parents that dont want to accept the fact that they may be a reason to their children *Insert Conflict Here* try to find another reason to make themselves feel better.
Ive watched and loved every rambo,T2 And Die-hard,Listened to and im fan of Metallica,Tupac Shakur and NWA,And played hundreds of games with voilent and sexual content at the age of 6.
and im a sane and social person with no criminal record and good reputation.
Compared to little timmy who was heavely protected by mommy and daddy,kept away from the real world and grows up to be a killer.
Videogames are just a hobby,past time,another media interface like movies,It doesnt kill people.
Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally a sonic game that looks like the old sonic cartoons I love(SatAM,Sonic underground),And Bioware are making it(Mass Effect was my GOTY 07),and most of the characters originated from the adventure games(The good 3d games.)
Now the question is:Bioware are known for good voice acting in there games,And sonic is infamous for the bad voice acting,now will it have good VAs or bad VAs,or maybe something in between?
I think it will have good voice acting,But I wont get my hopes up.
Am I the only one to beat Portal in an hour? :?
Oh and heavenly sword had its high points but in the end it had weak combat compared to other games in the genre,It was the shortest of all of the action adventure beat em ups,And it was way too easy.
Portal was original,Imaginitive,Addictive,Funny and most importantly fun,and being included with 4 other great games makes the orange box a tremendous value.
Even thought I dont agree with some of his scores(Zelda TP should have been a 9.4),He was a great reviewer and its hard to picture gamespot without him.
Good bye Jeff.
Is Metal Gear Solid 3 really going to be out by E3?LordAndrew
Ummm I didnt say 3 at all so if your trying to own me you failed.
But if you meant to post "Metal Gear Solid 4 ",Than yes it will.
What were the games youve been waiting for since E3 06,My guess its:
Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3
Halo 3
Mass Effect
Assassins Creed etc.
Well most of those games have been released,And when you ask about 08 games you get answered with:
Devil May Cry 4
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Metal Gear Solid 4
GTA IV etc.
Are between the time frame of Jan. - Jun. 08,With very few exeptions (Banjo,FFXIII,RE5).
Now look back at E3 07,what sucked about it was almost no new games were announced,Now Almost all the high profile games are released.
Which means,New games announced at E3 08,Lots of new games.
I remember reading at IGN That E3 could go back to its original format,so I hope that works out.
The new Zelda for the Wii,Its pretty much confirmed,But I want an official announcement with a new trailer.
Sonic Adventure 3(Not Heroes,Not ATSN,Not shadow or that god awful Sonic the hedgehog),But Im a little worried about sega ruining it.
Another Phantasy Star online(I dont want the suckage that was PSU),Im worried because of reasons stated above.
Street Fi.........Oh wait that was announced. :P
Grandia 4,I want it as good as Grandia 2,Not that crappy Grandia 3.
And many more.
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