Duke Nukem I'm able to forgive because that game was passed on to several developers and Pitchford really wanted to get the game out there for the fans but again, if it the game was shit in the first place, you should have SCRAPPED the entire thing and created your own game.
The exact same thing happened with DNF, you honestly thought it wasn't going to happen AGAIN, Gearbox? Shame on you, shame.
And I just just realised, DNF = Duke Nukem Forever, it can also mean Did Not Finish...
If you guys want a good Aliens game... Well it's a AvP game but it's got aliens in it you should try the 2010 remake by Rebellion, or AvP Classic.
AvP 2010 costs £9.99 while the AvP classic costs £2.99 on Steam, they might not be masterpieces but they really do deliver on a pretty solid experience.
And you're paying half the price of what Aliens: Colonial Marines costs.
No thanks, Gearbox, you can keep that shit away from WII U.
I would have thought they would have tried to treat something as popular as the Aliens franchise with a bit of love.
I bet like with Duke Nukem Forever one of the guys who helped work on the game will turn around and say "REVIEWS ARE BIASED, GAME ROCKS, THEY JUST LIKE TO **** CoD.".
ArataWata's comments