It's crap like this that made me stop playing League and MOBA games in general.Such an aggressive community, lord forbid for being new to one of those games.
@WingChopMasta @ArataWata Just through comments on gamesites, spoke with friends about it. Yadda yadda bing bong boom.
They failed to muster excitement? Last I checked people were flipping their shit over the announcements they made.Tom, just because the games didn't impress you that doesn't that mean everyone else wasn't impressed either.
@pedroabperneta What makes you think they'd make it a WII U exclusive?Bayonetta 2 is probably going to be a one off thing. I doubt they'd drop all the consoles for the WII U just like that.
Buy it. BUY IT. OH GOD BUY IT.Just the idea of a Darksiders game being made by Platinum is just wowzers.
"They let everyone down, so we're gonna use that to our advantage to make few quick pounds. Beats having to go to the Job Center."
ArataWata's comments