e3 is a shell of itself its sad. rip e3. If sony and some day MS also pull out then e3 should target the game companies to pump out trailers and demos. Not small trailers like we got already or a small map level of gameplay. Full on trailers that go for 10min+ like the early 2000s make it artsy. Its a loss for us all we want news be it about the consoles or games but lately e3 has been a snoozer you just dont look forward to it anymore. Miss the hype days of e3, tgs and gc shows
FF7 and Resident Evil 3 remakes coming. Dang the only other psx classic for a remake we need now is metal gear solid with the mgs5 fox engine. Hell Id love the 2x msx games andddddd the gameboy color remade with that engine pewie
Not surprised, for all the hateful things the star wars fans say even with the leaks saying I wont watch it if the leaks are true, then its confirmed they are and they still go out in droves to watch it to fund hollywood to send a message that everything is ok keep pumping out more star wars. Reviews are average but the core fans came out hating it yet bunches of them went back in to re-watch it again. Good keyboard warriors to say theyll speak with their wallets. Personally I hope Disney take a long long long break for movies enough star wars please. But we know theyll milk it and people will keep feeding them even if its terrible
@OaklandRaiderz: exactly. people whinging about censoring an extra second of side boob shot in a game is nothing to whinge about its not required when Im playing a game. I swear the uproar in censoring by sony is so minor if you want to get turned on your on the web go elsewhere.
Sony also confirmed that the new console will play ps4 games so its no big deal either but its the gameline up thats important and this gen proved to me microsoft has nothing new. hell they even tried a new IP with ryse and what the hell happened to that game. damage control and bringing back forza, halo, gears and 3rd party games in an endless loop. Im trusting sony still for next gen to have better exclusives again
As a kid I found these games very very hard. My gosh I would try to learn it but kept getting killed never understanding what to do what to build. Maybe its easier now as an adult but back then bless cheats using the ultimate weapon to destroy large spawns of enemies it was the only way I could progress the story
I have no hype for it since they said Cole Turner is the main character hard pass before it even gets made or finished. Sorry NRS shouldnt have greenlighted this movie no chance of a part 2 movie as Im sure it will bomb not true the game at all
@donmohsin: nah I love spy movies and found her interesting something different than the OP super heroes. She isnt as strong but has skills and speed and Im heavily interested in this movie even after all these years
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