@Wolfkcing: I heard Alex wins the Sf3 tourny. It makes sense then if this game is a prequel of sorts. I dont mind some of the new characters but some just seem like a waste or joke type of character, fang is just so wrong, its like they are trying too hard to make him dan or hakkan. I just miss SF3 too much I really wish they made it in that art style with hd graphics, something about the combat in that game it just felt right that I enjoyed it more than sf4. They tried to make new fighters but they look respectable with character design and plot wise compared to the alpha series new characters or sf4 and 5 new characters but time till tell I guess
When will they flush out some of these storylines and move it forward. Ryu still fighting the dark hado ok get over it it makes him look weak still. Blokes been training for what 20 years and cant shake it off. In SF3 he seeked the help from Oro who told him he will make him stronger to get fight the dark hado and this game takes place after that so go figure. This game wont be bad but itll be better once combat pack 3 is released, this roster line up is too weak, not feeling R Mika, Fang and Karin. Itll be abit dull but in about 2 years roster will look more respectable.
Also please more stages as DLC, they have to release stage packs with the character dlc to keep it fresh if they plan on making this game last for years. Driveclub did an awesome job with season pass and the amount they released was crazy would love for SF to please the fans just as well
Didnt they say they were working on Assassins fist 2 which was based on the tournament to be released around the time the game released, what happened to it? Please dont give me bad news they canned it.
I cant believe we have to wait till June for the story DLC. Thats wayyyyyyyy too long. Most people would have moved on to other games and I know I would have also. Id much rather have had the story dlc day 1 or not dlc but built into the game like MK. Thats the mode I play the most I enjoy the entertainment factor first over competitive gameplay against others which I have zero interest in
Getting old how they keep robbing Roman and treating him like this. Also getting old for the fans who boo him and kill his character development and potential match ups in the future. I dig Roman, just wished after he got passed the authority he couldve had matches with brock, wyatt, dean, rollins, even a shield triple threat at mania for the belt. But no hes always getting robbed by them. These same fans who boo him cheered him 2 years ago. Their idol Bryan goes down and Roman is positioned in to be next and they boo him instead, who would you rather have Trips and Sheamus now with boring predictable angles? They cry for new champs and new faces they get Roman as a test to see how they react and they boo so they strip him off it. Hes improving I respect his effort let him have his splotlight he earned it see what new angles we can get in the story before you boo him every single match. Its like when they bood Randy when in fact he is crazy good at selling and performing in the ring
I might pass on this pack. Not sold on it. Firstly annoying to see the robot ISSSSS Cyrax, Sektor or Smoke depending on the variation that you pick. Wouldve been better to have the 3 characters added as stand alones if they went this route. Also Leatherface is meh and Xenomorph just looks weird, its like he does not belong in this game, his fight style etc was too human. Its not how I picture the alien to attack and move. The kombat pack was a let down and really missed, hopefully capcom dont mess up with their dlc for SF5. Im already irked that Akuma and Sagat were left out, they just need to make them cheaper as they are rip offs these days
I still wish they made a Fight Night for next gen before they made UFC2.
Also not EA's fault but kinda irked that brands like SilvaStar went bust. They made awesome fight shorts and tshirts. Seeing all these bland attires is weird. What happened to the cool designs from the old days of the ufc, I remember ufc1 and 2 made by yukes was it? the fighters all stood out and it suited them. From Thiago Silvas cool Venum brand all the way to GSP Afflication and Aderson Silvas Silvastar brands. Good days
They are right, it wasnt that great of a year for gaming or exclusive games, it was lame. I dont even see it improving apart from uncharted what new exclusive game is there to look forward too? Not even hyped for SF5. I was pumped for Ace Combat only to be let down when they said its designed for VR. Seems like they are focusing on the vr way too much that regular games are neglected, what if we dont want first person games. Sony need to release a game with an epic story, it feels like years since I enjoyed a game with an epic story. Ps3 was the last time :(
Archangel2222's comments