I would love a metal gear collection, from gameboy, msx, psp, ps etc etc. Even better if they use the fox engine to remake mg1, mg2 and mgs1 please :D maybe even mgsgb on gbc with fox engine will be neat
So you can install multiplayer content but singleplayer content cant be sepearted and counts as the entire game? I dont know SSD are expensive and Im not expecting a nice decent size. With better tech Im expecting the default SSD to fill up very very very fast as the previous day1 consoles always did. May wait for the pro version with a bigger SSD hopefully a few years down the road as the library builds
Better than the teasers. Im always interested in terminator lore and movies especially, I hope the story is good in this movie as I can tell action wise itll deliver but its the story I want and need. Crossing fingers and toes at the end of this movie sarah finds a way to change the past again by letting Skynet and John live so the next movie is the future war we want to see. Story wise not feeling the vibe of a dead John but we shall see when this releases if its good
Cant say Im thrilled with the new gameplay. I liked the beat em up mechanics it was fun I dont want an rpg game. We have so many other franchises that offer rpg gameplay the yakuza series should not evolve into an rpg. Im sure itll make fans but as Ive played all the others Im not digging this change already. But I guess I can only hope that they improve on the story like Zero did. Y6 wasnt that great of a story and fell flat abit to me
I liked all 3 movies and dont understand the hate with the last 2 and Im sick and tired of the bad cgi argument. You have a budget and this movie obviously cant be all realistic and actual actors and stunts and it was made over a decade ago. Its not easy to make it super high def omg it looks real cgi. I cringe at that argument if some scenes look fake lets bash the entire movie I cant enjoy or follow the plot anymore angle
Not bad, but I wish they could win back the champions league license. That was the mode I played insanely for a long long time and I want it back. Playing season mode to aim for the treble was fun also
I feel so bad for this movie. They hired a director who makes australian commercials to make a movie? really who made that decision to look at resumes of talent and people wanting to direct a movie and deciding oh I can see you have years of commercial experience but no movies, thats ok its the samething you hired.
Also didnt help that script which the crew didnt even say was false appears to be the actual script for the movie. Get ready for Cole freaken Turner and his relationship and daughter problems to be the focus of the movie. Oh a mortal kombat movie at that. yep this movie sounds like a sure fire hit already. as good as the new terminator movie deciding to kill off skynet and john
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