I would still recommend updating the game, I think your prob has to do with yout i7 processor, it may cause a hickkup in that game somehow, and it is likely they have fixed it.
Apart from that I cant really say, it is not overheating, when it crashes before an ingame screen even appears... its in the loadup, I would ask if they were Legal, but I assume they are, and thus there are very little to do or say,
Oh... and du install or update the DX9 drivers that are on the SoC disk, that might fix it, come to think about it.
Thanks for your help. I'll try the suggested advice and then post what happens
EDIT: Yeah it wasn't updated all to patch 1.5.09 so I then updated it. But that didn't do anything. It still freezes at "Prefetching objects..." and it's wierd because everytime it freezes then I need to actually push and hold the power button to turn off my computer as I can't do anything.
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